Chapter 16

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I jumped back to my home in Darkmore, storming through the front door. Wisps of dark shadows still lingered around me as I stormed through the front door to my home. Still reeling from being knocked on my ass by that little shit, Aurora. I let my dark power ripple in waves around me, the small release to my pent up feelings. Unlike Aurora I can control my power, had controlled it from an early age and then mastered it when my brother passed. The shadows answer to me, they come when I call and then do as I say. I own the darkness the way Aurora needs to learn to own the light.

"Woah what's up your ass?" Carmin said nonchalantly as I stormed past her and Spike, up the stairs and headed for my room. To be alone. 

I slammed the door behind me and I began pacing.

'I will never forgive you.' Auroras words played over and over in my head. The memory of hearing those words leave her mouth felt like I was being repeatedly stabbed in the heart. This Damn heartbond. I knew she would hate me, after all I did betray her, something I would regret for the rest of my life but I held out hope that she would one day forgive me. I slammed my palms on the table against the window, looking out into the dimly lit gardens and the silent city. I had to put my feelings aside and look at the bigger picture. There was an unknown threat and a dangerous and growing force working against both of our realms and I still didn't know much about any of it. I could find more information about that, for our people, for her. Aurora can hate me for the rest of her life for all I care as long as she's safe. As long as we are all safe.

Three loud thuds at my door distracted my thoughts.

"What is it?" I grumbled. Still gripping the end of the table looking out into the night sky. The door creaked open and I didn't have to look to know both Spike and Carmen where stood behind me. I grew up with the twins, plucked them from poverty and a life on the streets, brought them home to my mother and begged her to let them stay in the palace. To give them jobs, food in their bellies and a safe roof over their heads. Spike eventually displayed an interest in being a soldier while Carmen became my spymaster. She knows everything about everyone in the Dark realm. I still don't know how she does it. 

"I guess your meeting with our pretty light queen didn't go to plan" Carmin said over my shoulder. I just continued to stare out the window but my grip on the table had loosened.

"Carmen's been doing her snooping again" Spike said and that sparked my interest. I turned, leaning against the table behind me while I loosened the top button of my shirt.

"Snooping" Carmen scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Highly important investigative work you mean"

"What did you find?" I knew whatever it was must of been important. Carmen only ever comes to me when it's important. She likes to drop the less important bits of information at random times. Like bits of gossip she shares around the table or as savage comebacks when some high born fae annoys her.

Carmen stepped forward, her face turning serious. "There's a highly secret meeting going on in Faebourne tomorrow night. Both light and dark fae will be attending."

"Who?" I asked.

Carmen shook her head. "I don't know but that Melroy guy is going."

"That prick." Spike spat from where he was lounging on the bed.

"Where is it?" I asked turning back to Carmen.

"Millard's Inn. At sundown." Carmen answered. "It could be nothing." She added.

I looked to Spike and nodded for him to prepare.

"Great." Carmen clapped her hands. "I could do with a little adventure." She said with a little excitement in her voice.

"Not you." Me and Spike said simultaneously.

"Why not?" She sulked. "I can hold my own just as much as the pair of you can. I'm going." She crossed her arms defiantly.

"The hell you are." Spike stood from the bed. His tall frame towering over his twin sister. The pair are like chalk and cheese it's a wonder they both came from the same parents.

"Come on! Why should you two get all the fun" she protested.

"Anyone fancy going Hellas tonight? I could do with a drink." Spike stretched ignoring Carmen.

I nodded in agreement and we both began to exit my room.

"You're staying." I affirmed to Carmen.

She huffed behind us. "You two are unbelievable. You cant continue this over protective brother act forever."

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