~ Rules ~

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Okay, so! I know that some people most likely don't like it when there are rules, but we have to have them so our roleplays can function properly and that all parties have fun, without crossing boundaries or causing harm to someone else.

So, here are the rules.

1) Don't ping me every few hours, please. I'm a college student and I tend to get busy with my life every once in a while, just like how you guys get busy with your lives as well. You can tag me every three days incase I forget to respond, cause I have a life outside of Wattpad and social media.

2) Please, PLEASE, no one liners! I find it annoying when someone sends a one liner to my 4-6 sentence response, because it gives me the impression that you're not putting in enough effort. I understand it can be difficult for you to come up with a creative response sometimes, but please don't send one liners all the time. Sure, I can forgive it if it happens once or twice, but please try to go up to 3 sentences maximum, even if it means describing how a character feels. Here's an example of how you should do it:

(M/C) sat down on a chair in their bedroom upon returning home from school. They were feeling down in the dumps over a particular event that had played out a couple of days ago and they didn't feel like talking to anyone at the moment. They released a long, heavy sigh and took out their notebook and started doing their homework, in the hopes of distracting themselves from the negative thoughts that were plaguing them at the moment.

And here is what you should avoid:

(M/C) sat down and sighed.

3) No CC X CC (Canon Character X Canon Character) shipping roleplays. I simply feel uncomfortable doing these type of roleplays, for I have always done OC X CC type of roleplays, as it makes me feel like I am able to be more creative when it's my created character who is being shipped with their crush in a roleplay and because my characters can be based off of me. I'm pretty sure some of you feel the same way about CC X CC type of roleplays, but just a warning in advance that I DON'T do CC X CC type of roleplays and don't even bother asking me to do so.

4) You play my crush, I play yours. Can't be more simple than that or self explainatory than that. It seems fair enough to me, so please try to respect this rule as well as the others!

5) Don't steal my crush. This happened a couple of times to me in the past and it ruined a good portion of roleplays. My character's crush is Megumi Shimizu, the pink haired girl, so if your character also happens to have a crush on Megumi Shimizu as well, then I'm sorry, you're going to either have to change your crush to someone else or I won't roleplay with you at all. I know it may be unfair to you, but I don't want to leave your character without a crush, or make the roleplays revolve around just my character. 

6) Don't make the roleplay just about your character. Sure, there will be moments when your character is going to be in the spotlight during the roleplays, but don't put your character in the spotlight of the roleplay all the time, cause nobody likes that. Roleplays are all about balance, coming up with events that are supposed to make the whole roleplay interesting and it's also about sharing spotlight with your roleplay partner's character, so my character too will have their time of spolight.

7) Try to be descriptive. I'm the semi literate type of roleplayer and I can pretty much go up to 7 sentences if required. Of course, I'm not saying you too must type 7 sentences as well, we can always tone it down to 5 or 4 sentences, but I prefer descriptive type of responses, as they help keep the roleplay plot flowing smoothly.

Here is my roleplay sample;

Another new day has begun; (M/C) had woken up somewhere around 8'o clock in the morning despite the fact that it was a Saturday. The weather was nice, it was warm and the birds were chirping outside. (M/C) had gone to the bathroom first to wash their face, and then proceeded to perform their entire morning routine, which was simple, yet quite repetitive; wash their face in the bathroom, brush their teeth, get dressed, eat their breakfast and then proceed on with their day. (M/C) was currently munching on a toast with raspberry jam while they were also having a cup of coffee. As (M/C) finished up their breakfast, they washed the dishes from breakfast and decided to head out, just to see if there was anything eventful going on today.

8) Please, no arguing or starting conflicts with other roleplayers. I've seen a lot of roleplayers point this out in their roleplay books, and I will do the same. Avoid starting conflicts with other roleplayers in the comment section just because you have some personal beef with them or whatever. Either, resolve your problems in a civil manner in private messages or just block each other. Quite simple. If I catch someone starting trouble, they will be banned permanently from my book.

9) No overpowered characters. Ah, overpowered characters. I bet a lot of us used to create ton of overpowered characters when we were first starting out with roleplaying, not knowing how it could actually affect the roleplay. Sure, your character can be a little bit overpowered with up to 3 powers maximum if you'd like to, but this doesn't mean I will approve of your character if they got 20 different powers or every super power in the book, so be careful upon designing your character.

10) Please, read all the rules thoroughly. I know there are people out there who will just skim over the rules and jump straight into roleplay, but please don't do that. I'm trying to be fair towards people who genuinely want to enjoy roleplaying with me. The way I will know that you most likely read them all will require of you to type up a password at the end of your form, that being; "I have read all the rules." But, even if you do proceed past this, I will still be able to tell whether if you read my rules or not.

11) We can roleplay either in the comments or in PM. It's up to you where you'd like to RP with me. Just let me know in comments in this section.

12) Don't barge into other people's roleplay threads. This kind of behavior is completely unacceptable on my behalf. Mainly because it ruins the roleplay for the person I'm roleplaying with, and in general, it's unwanted type of behavior in roleplaying community. Make your own comment and we'll roleplay, just please avoid this ESPECIALLY.

And voila, we're at the end of the rules! Have fun!

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