Chapter 1

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Jamie was on the phone with Mat pat Pizzeria(Fazbear's Pizzeria) manager
"when do you want to start" the manager asks "Sunday" Jamie says
"and is there any chance this is a 3 person job" Jamie asks,
"yes" the manager says
then the phone is hung up
"so what did he say" Mark asks
"he said it can be 3 person" Jamie replied
"are we sure we want to do this think of all the tragedies that happened" Laura says
"well there is no turning back now" Jamie says
"so we start Sunday" Mark asks
"Yes" Jamie says
"when do we get our uniforms" Mark asks
"I believe we get them Saturday" Jamie says,


Jamie, Mark and Laura get into their uniforms, and head to the Pizzeria, they enter
"whoa, this place has seen better days" Mark says, "Yeah, definetly the kind of place a ghost would hang out" Laura says
Jamie looks to her, "really" he says
Laura rolls her eyes
"Look" Mark exclaimed
they look to where Mark is pointing and they see, Freddy(MatPat) Bonnie (IBallisticSquid/Squiddy) Chica (Sqaishey) and Foxy(8-bitRyan) on the stage, "and it looks like they have seen better days to" Jamie says
"Let's go before our shift starts" Laura says starting toward the Office
"wow and it looks like this office has seen better days as well" Laura says
Jamie walks into the office Mark and Laura follow suite
"OK, there is a Panel for systems, and Camera's" Jamie says, "and audio devices to" Laura says
"ok, I will do Camera's, Laura do the system Panel, and Jamie do the Audio devices" Mark says
"OK" Jamie says Laura nods and looks at the panel, "oh it's 12 am let's get to work" Mark says, Mark looks on the Camera's Laura looks on, but also checks the System panels, Jamie walks around exploring the office
"guys look" he says
Laura and Mark look to where Jamie is standing, it reads 'You Can't' "are we seeing things" Mark asks, "who wrote this, and who is it supposed to be for" Laura asks,
"I don't know" Jamie says, then Mark hears something he looks on the Camera's, Bonnie (Squiddy) has moved, he is off the stage
"Oh shit" Mark says
"Jamie try the audio device" Mark says, Jaime gets to the panel and presses the Button
"what camera did you move to" Mark says
"well way on the opposite side of the building that's for sure" Jamie says
"ok good he is away" Mark says
"guys I think working here was a mistake" Laura says
"yeah, I'm starting to agree" Mark says
"well like I said there is no turning back now" Jamie says
"I guess so" Laura says
then Mark looks to the door, Fear washes over him, "what" Laura asks then she looks to where Mark is looking so does Jamie it is Bonnie (Squiddy) he is in the doorway looking at them
"what do we do" Laura asks
Mark goes on the Camera's and presses the button for the sound but Bonnie doesn't go away, he looks to panel, then back at the 3 guards, Laura doesn't move she stays as still as possible, Jamie and Mark are stuck in their position as if they have been paralyzed, then Bonnie walks away.
Mark releases the breath he was holding, Jamie is still frozen in fear
"Jamie, are you okay" Laura asks
Jamie unfreezes "Y-yeah, I'm okay" he says

"That was close" Laura said she sighs in relief , "Yeah" Mark says

"why didn't he kill us, we are right here" Jamie asks, "Maybe he couldn't see us" Mark says
"actually he did see us, maybe he didn't see us as a threat" Laura says
"or he is gonna kill us when he wants to, he certainly didn't feel like killing us now" Mark says
"maybe" Jamie says
"Let's just finish the night, and get out before he comes for us" Mark says, Mark keeps checking the Camera's nothing Bonnie is back on the stage, then the Camera goes out, Laura looks at the panel, it says Error next to camera's so she presses the 'reboot' button, it takes about 10 seconds to reboot the camera's
"ok good thanks Laura" Mark says
Laura smiles, then 6am comes

"we did it" Laura says
"Let's get out of here" Mark says, they leave the building and go back to their houses,, Jamie thinks about why Bonnie didn't kill them in that moment, Maybe he doesn't see them as a threat, maybe he is waiting for the right opportunity, or he just couldn't see them when they were still, then Tomorrow another shift starts, Mark, Jamie and Laura come to meet at the pizzeria, "So what are we going to do if Bonnie shows up again" Mark asks, "maybe he wants something we can help him or he can give us more information about the place" Jamie replies, "what about the others" Laura asks, "Maybe we can help them to, and they can help us" Jamie replies, they get into the Office, and the Phone guy calls they said they found another Animatronic that was from this room in another Pizzeria 30 years ago, "Fredbear's family Diner" Mark says, "oh isn't that where the bite of 83 happened" Laura asks, "I guess so" Mark says, then the night starts, then Mark finds the suit phone guy talked about on cam 12, "Guys Look" he says Jamie and Laura come to his side and look, "it's one of the suits from Fredbear's family Diner" Laura says, "is something in there" Jamie asks pointing at the suit, "what are you talking about" Mark asks looking to him "the eyes look.. Kind of... Human" Jamie replies, "someone died in that suit" Laura asks, "I guess so" Mark says, "wait the killer was never found, and he was seen going into a Pizzeria" Mark says, "wait you don't think.. he died in that suit" Laura says, "Guys calm down it's been 30 years there's no way that thing is still functioning" Jamie says, "plus the suit looks like it hasn't been taken care of in a while" he continues, "I guess" Laura says, then Bonnie (IballisticSquid) is back with Foxy(Ryan) and Chica(Sqaishey), "uh, Looks like he's brought some friends" Laura says, Foxy growls and prepares to Lung at them, Bonnie puts his arm out in front of him, and shakes his head, Chica was about to do the same but listened to Bonnie, 'these guys aren't a threat, they aren't the enemy', "did you guys hear about that new suit, that came in" Jamie asks, Bonnie looks to Foxy then to Chica, Foxy shakes his head 'no we haven't' , "well it's a animatronic bunny it looks green/yellow, we think the suit is from Fredbears Family diner" Laura says, shock is seen on their faces, "is it the killer" Mark asks, Bonnie nods, "Not good" Laura says, then 5am comes, "oh you guys should get back don't worry we got this" Jamie says, Bonnie nods and he and his friends go back to the stage,

The Youtumatronics (get it youtubers +Animatronics.. ok, I'll shut up now)

"Freddy, we have some news" Bonnie says, "what do you mean" Freddy asks, "we saw the nightguards and they aren't our killer there is suit that has been brought in here a animatronic Bunny" Chica says, Freddy thinks for a minute, "we think the nightguards might be in danger" Foxy says, "he is looking for victims, that guy just doesn't quit" Freddy says, "me and Bonnie will go see them tomorrow, you guys keep an eye out" Freddy says, Chica nods, "Ok" says Foxy, then 6am comes, the 3 guards leave, Jamie and Laura are invited to Marks house, They need to talk, they sit down on the couch, "ok, so we know they don't want to kill us" Mark says, "they looked shocked and scared when we mentioned the suit, It can't be a threat right" Jamie says, "Well the suit doesn't look like it's been taken care of and it's been 30 years, so it can't be" Laura says, "well those suits move around, and they don't look that functional" Jamie says, "I'm sure we can get more info tomorrow" Mark says, "you guys want to stay over tonight" Mark asks, "Okay" Laura says, "yeah" Jamie says, the 3 friends get ready for bed and go to sleep, the morning shift starts, Laura decides to go to the place and order a pizza, "Guess what I brought" Laura says, Mark and Jamie look to her, "Pizza" Laura says, Jamie says, "Awesome" Mark says, Mark goes to get plates, and they eat their Pizza, "I think we deserve it" Jamie says, "yeah, we are working the night shift and nearly getting killed in the process" Mark says, "well technically we aren't getting killed because they don't want to kill us" Jamie says, "well when we spoke about that suit they got pretty worried, but it shouldn't be able to move after 30 years so maybe they don't have anything to worry about, at least for now" Laura says Jamie nods, then the 3 friends get some rest and later get ready for their night shift.


"Oh, it's almost time for our shift, let's go" Jamie says he looks at his watch, "alright, let's solve some mysteries" Laura says, "who are we Box car Bonnie, with Sherlock Holmes" Mark asks Looking to Laura crossing his arms, "Funny" Laura says with a Tiffy tone in her voice, "Let's go" Jamie says, Mark, Laura and Jamie get into the Car and Drive to the Pizzeria for their Shift, "ok we work and maybe even find out why the Youtumatronics are so Nervous about that suit" Mark says, "right" Laura says, they enter the Pizzeria and get to the office, Laura checks the Camera's the night starts and the Phone guy explains the progress, then the Youtumatronics get to the Office, they see Freddy(Matpat) with them, then Marionette (Marcus Butler) with them as well, "hey" Jamie says, "so what's going on" Mark asks, Puppet makes this white ball in his hands and then Jamie, Mark and Laura go into this Trance like state they see a vision of this Man in Purple in the Yellow rabbit suit but it isn't Old and rusty looking, they see him lead 5 children into the room then, another child out the window of what seems to be Fredbears family Diner, then a man in Purple comes up to kill her and drives away, then the vision fades, shock is seen on Jamie's face, "w-woah, that's a- a lot" Laura stuttered, "that was heavy" Mark says, then Jamie checks the Camera's, "uh, guys" he says, Everyone looks to him, "what" laura asks, "that Springbonnie ,(Jacksepticeye) suit just moved, and uh guess where he is headed" Jamie replies Fear is heard in his voice.

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