Thanks for reading my story :)
Kayla's pov
Beep Beep Beep Beep
Beep Beep Beep Beep
Beep Beep Beep"We'll that was an unpleasant awakening." I reach over to turn off my alarm, but as soon as I'm about to hit the off switch my brother runs in and jumps on me causing me to nock it over and I fall off my bed. Great morning already.
"Jacob what are you doing?! Get off me you fat cow!"
"I'm not fat! I'm just fluffy. But get up its time for school and you can't skip because it's the last week."
"Ugh fine. But get out so I can get ready." I crawl off the floor and make my bed. Then I pull out my clothes for the day and head to the shower.
After my shower I put on my gray skinny jeans with a black tank top and a red flannel. Then I grab my black converse and my red beannie.
I walk down the stairs to the kitchen to get breakfast and sit down and wait for my mom to bring me breakfast.
"Good morning honey" she says and kisses my head while putting pancakes on my plate.
"Morning mom, thanks for breakfast" I dig in trying not to get syrup everywhere. My brother rushes down the stairs and grabs some pancakes and waits for me.
"Hurry up Kayla you have to drive me to school." Jacob is only 12 and is the top student in his class. He is short and has brown hair like mine with green eyes. I'm 16 and in high school. I can drive and I'm a little tall. I'm not that athletic but I love to ride horses. We have 2 horses on our land and I ride them everyday. I'm not that great in school but I'm passing.
"Ya ya, give me a minute" I say as I shovel the last piece into my mouth and grab my keys on the way out the door. I drive Jacob to school while he constantly changes the channels on my radio and sings horribly to the songs. I'm glad this is the last week I have to drive him to school I don't think I could stand much longer with this. I drop him off at his school and drive to mine. As I park my car my best friend Dillon pulls up next to me. As usual he smirks at me then winks and we walk into the school holding hands.
I don't know what's up with him but he's starting to act differently lately. He started holding my hand and hugging me from behind and it's just not usual. It's confusing me a bit but I'm just going to ignore it.
We have most of our classes together except for first period. He goes to science and I have history.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lunch time
I walk to my locker after 5th period and put my stuff in it and grab a pen for the rest of the day. As I'm walking to the lunch room someone comes up behind me and starts to carry me. I have no clue who it could have been but as soon as I turn my head I correct myself. Of course it was Dillon. He was carrying me for no reason but I didn't mind my feet were hurting from walking all day.
"Dillon what do you think your doing? I have feet I can walk."
"I know I just wanted to surprise you and it worked" he said as he put me down entering the cafeteria. We walked into line and bought our lunches. It was pizza day. We walked to the table we usually sit at. All our other friends were already there. Lizzy was eating and trying to talk to Collin, while Collin was stealing Lizzy's food.
"You guys are ridiculous. Eat your own food Collin." I said as I sat down between Lizzy and Dillon. "So what's today's topic?"
"I'm taking you shopping so we can have a girls night while Dillon and Collin sit at home gaming. Then when we get home were all gonna have a movie night if they let us use your Xbox." Lizzy got out between bites of her pizza.
"Sounds good to me but you girls might not be getting a movie night. You know how much us guys like xbox." Collin said trying to notify me that he wanted the Xbox to himself.
Dillon buds in saying "Maybe if you weren't so addicted to Call of Duty then Kayla would let us play more often."
"Dillon has a point Collin. But you can still play while I'm dragging Kayla around shopping tonight." Lizzy said letting me know it was going to be a long night.
School ended and me and lizzy were already on our way to the mall while Dillon and Collin were at my house killing zombies and bombing each other. Even though it's alot of fun I'm glad I'm shopping. I really needed some new shorts and tank tops.
The night is going by fast. We've only got one more store left. Victorias secret. I'm holding five bags of clothes already. Mostly short shorts, new shoes, and cute tops that lizzy said looked great on me. Now she is trying to get my to get some new bras. I'm just hoping we can go in and out and go home. I'm tired and want to relax.
As soon as I get what I need I walk out and wait for lizzy. She follows not to long after me. We walk out and load my car up with our bags and head home. Boy was it a long day.
~~~~~~We're back at the house and all the lights are off. It's strange the boys said they would be here. We walk in and put the bags in my room. My moms always at work so I usually have the house to myself. It's a big house because my mom has a good job and lots of money. I walk towards the game room and see the Xbox is on but no boys. That's when I walk out and grab the first thing I see. Which happens to be a nerf gun. This is gonna be fun, they are hiding on me so I get to shoot them. I sneak around the corner and head down stairs searching the kitchen and living room and the guest rooms. I still don't find them so I go to the basement and here laughing. I quietly sneak around the vending machines and theatre area and I see them hiding behind the screen. I walk up prepared to attack and fire. But as soon as I am about to shoot I'm attacked with balloons full of paint and two laughing boys. That's when I get mad and run upstairs for my paint ball gun and chase them outside. They stop laughing as soon as they realize what I have and try to beg me not to.
"Sorry boys but you got me first. So it's only fair to get you back." as soon as I said that their faces turned pail and Lizzy walked out with my other paint ball gun. If it's possible they got even pailer when they saw it. That's when we fired. Not even 3 minutes they were covered in bruises and different colored paints.
"STOP STOP!! we're sorry Kayla please stop." they both pleaded before I shot them each one last time.
"Paybacks a bitch." and I walked away to take a shower.
As soon as I walked out of my room after my shower I was meet with a giant hug from both Collin and Dillon and behind then laughing was Lizzy. I started to smirk when I realized what was happening.
"We're sorry KK we will never do that again. I don't like seeing you angry. It's really scary." Dillon said as he let go of me. Collin however was still hugging me scared for his life. Which I thought was hilarious.
"Ok guys I forgive you. But don't mess with me like that again. I still have a little paint in my hair and your cleaning up the mess downstairs." they both said ok and we headed downstairs to the basement to watch a movie while lizzy brought the popcorn down and the boys cleaned up their mess.
And that's the end of chapter One. Let me know what you guys think and if I get enough reads or votes I'll update the next chapter! But I want to see how this story goes for now so comment and vote!
Love ya guys

Tree House Fun
AdventureCheck list: Water balloons ☑ Water guns ☑ Fridge ☑ Food ☑ Drinks ☑ Bean bag ☑ Small couch ☑ TV ☑ Speakers ☑ Paintball gun ☑ "This is just the beginning Kayla, we're gonna make this awesome" Said Dillon.