Oh, I would die to see you.

6 1 7

Another day in school, boring as always as Ethan thought so.

Valerie, walking in with her mcdonalds, just trying to get the best grades as possible.

Getting into the classroom, Ethan looked at her from afar wishing she was in her class, *Oh mon amour, I would die to see you.*

After class nothing different happened, it was break time. Ethan decided to come up to Valerie and pull her by the arm. "What the fuck dude! Do I even know you?" she said out of her anger, he said, "Wait" "Wait for what??-".

Staring into those brownish hazelish eyes, they both went into the restroom hallway, he cuddled her. Waiting for the bell to ring, they had stay in that position for about 10 minutes, sitting down he nuzzled into he shoulder and gave her a hickey.


I would love for Valerie to see this! Im going to update this later, I need to go to help my mom cook some dumplings. 

P.S 💕💞💓💗 for valerie <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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