When we got a new house I had few friends in the neighborhood and I went to blue and gold academy, while I was there I was beat up. And we stayed at that house for about 2 years and moved to my current home and went to west Newton elementary, while I was there I had many friends that I could talk to and did not get bullied. Then I started using medication for my ADHD and I did well for a while. Then after I got out of west Newton elementary I went to Decatur middle school, I had a few friends but not many. But then that's when I started not taking my meds and that's when it all went downhill from there I started acting bad my grades dropped and I couldn't get them back up.
From then on I just got into more and more trouble it was horrible during the last few semesters I took my meds. But I would have to take them every day for it to effect me. So I took it for a while the. I stopped again taking my meds and it epicenter downhill again.