011 || Welcome Back Colonel

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The day had finally arrived, the culmination of their anticipation and anxious suspense. The team had been waiting for this moment, knowing that it would be a pivotal turning point in their lives. As they gathered in the cold room, dressed in identical hospital gowns, the atmosphere was thick with nervous energy.

Brown, the first to be called, tried to conceal his trembling hands by clenching them tightly. The technicians guided him to a separate room where his Avatar awaited, prepared to receive his consciousness. The rest of the team watched a mixture of worry and hope in their eyes. Mansk, known for his stoicism, broke his usual demeanour and placed a comforting hand on Brown's shoulder, a sympathetic smile tugging at his lips.

With a nod of determination, and then he was off.

The remaining team members sat in silence, their collective thoughts consumed by a cascade of uncertainties. What would the experience be like? Would they hear their comrade cry out in pain? How would it feel to have their consciousness transferred? Would there be any pain involved? Would they be aware of the process or would they simply awaken in a new body, forever disconnected from their original self? The weight of these questions and the countless possibilities of what could go wrong loomed over them, casting a shadow of fear and doubt.

They were embarking on an uncharted path, diving headfirst into the depths of the unknown, and the sheer magnitude of the moment had them trembling.

What had felt like forever had passed, before Brown came back, all tall and blue and relieved. The team collectively exhaled, a wave of tension dissipating. Ja and Lopez stood up, their hands clasping, and chuckles escaped their lips. Even Lopez managed to crack an unexpectedly funny joke, breaking the tense atmosphere and allowing a moment of levity to wash over the room. It was a welcome respite after the intensity they had just experienced.

The scientist holding a clipboard called out, "Fike, Sean?"

Sean rose from his seat with a sigh, projecting a false confidence as he walked across the room. He glanced over his shoulder, exchanging a nod with his teammates, bidding them a temporary farewell as he prepared to take the plunge into the unknown.

And so, one by one, they were summoned, each team member strutting forward with an air of feigned confidence and cocky smiles. The room became a revolving door of anticipation and departure.

Ja, Brady.

Brady stood with an air of self-assuredness, striding forward as if he were walking the red carpet, a hint of a grin playing on his lips.

Lopez, Aaron.

Following in Brady's footsteps, Aaron exuded bravado, his departure mirroring that of his comrade. When he returned, his arms raised triumphantly, a silent celebration of a successful transition.

Mansk, Malakai.

True to his stoic nature, Malakai silently followed the scientist, his gaze fixed forward without a backward glance. Before leaving, he handed his sunglasses to Zhang, a gesture that felt like a farewell. Upon his return, Zhang returned the sunglasses, but his shoulders slumped, the weight of the moment settling upon him.

Prager, Colin.

With a wink and a cheeky smile, Colin left the room, exuding playful confidence. When he came back, that same smile remained, radiating a sense of accomplishment.

Wainfleet, Lyle.

Lyle didn't save them any fanfare, striding across the room and disappearing behind the double doors without any look back. He came back the same way, silent and guarded.

(DISCONTINUED)Emrey- Survive || Avatar: The Way of WaterWhere stories live. Discover now