My favorite song

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"Min. Do you know what my favorite song is?" Ryan asked, resting his ear on Min-Gi's chest as he scooted up onto his lap. He closed his eyes as he took in the gentle rhythm of his heart thrumming against him.

"Of course I do, silly." Min chuckled fondly at the adorable sight of his boyfriend, who almost felt tiny compared to him. "It's Lion Tamer." He said matter of factly, kissing Ryan's forehead and wrapping his arms around his figure. His long, fluffy hair smelled of the orange scented shampoo he liked using.

Ryan let out a joyful giggle from Min's affection, kicking his feet lightly. "Nope." He replied, his voice teasing.

"Wait... really?!" Min exclaimed, a little embarrassed that he somehow got that question wrong. "But hasn't that been your favorite song since... well... forever?"

Ryan nodded. "It was, but I have a new favorite."

"There's something you like better than lion tamer?"


Min couldn't help but laugh, gently stroking Ryan's hair. "Well, what is it? Don't leave me hangi-"

"You have to guess." Ryan interrupted, nuzzling into Min's chest to hide the smirk that was forming on his face.

Min let out a small sigh, continuing to card his fingers through his boyfriend's hair as he tried to think. "I don't know. I mean, there's a million songs I know you like a lot. I can't exactly discern just one of them."

There was silence for a moment, Ryan letting out a soft hum as one of his fingers traced a heart along the center of Min's chest before saying anything. "How about a hint? It's a song that never stops playing, and I'm listening to it right now."

"Huh?" Min replied, seemingly even more confused now. "But you're not listening to any... wait..." He trailed off mid sentence, as if the gears had suddenly decided to turn in his head.

Before Ryan knew it, Min had picked him up off the couch, wrapping his arms and legs around his body as he was being carried. "M-Min? What's going-" He stuttered out, cheeks flushed red at the fact that Min had gotten strong enough to carry him more recently thanks to him getting into exercising. Not having to study gave him significantly more free time than he ever had before. Having a boyfriend that was taller and just as strong as him now? It was kind of embarrassing, but Ryan couldn't say he didn't like it.

Soon enough, Ryan was being pressed against the duo's shared bed, his legs dangling from the side. It was a cheap bed, not exactly the most comfortable, but it was better than nothing to sleep on at all. His whole body only felt warmer as Min crawled on top of him, making him sink further into the mattress. Even though they'd been together for a while, his mind always felt fuzzy whenever Min was the one to initiate any kind of physical contact.

"Wow... you really worked out those... weak nerd arms..." Ryan said between pants.

Min enveloped Ryan's body in his arms once again as he pressed his ear against his chest. A soft smile formed on his face as he listened to the sweet melody of Ryan's heart, his face flushing a light pink. A couple long moments of silence passed as they comfortably basked in each other's warmth. "Listening to my favorite song." Min mumbled, a late answer to the question his partner had asked earlier.

"Min... you... you sap!" Ryan exclaimed, a light giggle in his voice.

" I'm the sap? You did it first." Min retorted, teasing.

Ryan gasped in mock offense. "Well, it's only because I'm so in love with you."

"I'm in love with you too, dork ."

"Kiss me."

"Nah." Min said, sighing contently as he counted each thump, each note from Ryan. "Not until my favorite song is over."

"But Miiiiin!" Ryan whined, pouting lightheartedly.

Min let out a light chuckle in response. "I'm just kidding, c'mere Ry." He said, using a hand to cup one of Ryan's cheeks. 

Ryan sat up on his elbows, eagerly leaning in as Min-Gi's lips pressed gently against his own. He quickly lost his balance, dipping back into the mattress as he melted into the kiss. He hummed happily as Min deepened the kiss,

They eventually parted for air. Min touched their foreheads together as Ryan gazed up at him with  longing, his lips slightly parted. "One more?" He pleaded.

"Needy today, aren't we?" Min smirked, though he wasn't about to deny how hard it was to not kiss Ryan. He waited twenty years to be able to even do it, and they still couldn't get enough of each other. They never will get enough of each other.

Before Ryan could retort, Min's mouth was on his own again. They kissed again and again, the request of one more kiss was never ending up being just that. Their eyes closed as they tuned out everything except the feeling of their lips moving together in a dance they both had memorized. Ryan's hands rested by his head as Min laced their fingers together.

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