Room of Swords

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I walk into the Room of Swords, my heart crashing slowly,

like a doomed spaceship freefalling through gravity.

I look at all the empty cans,

littering the table,

littering the floor,

littering my life.

He's intoxicated...again

The stench of his sin fumes the small apartment place.

My head swirls with the memory of all his harsh words.

They leak through the cracks of the ceiling, a vibrant, soul-sucking

red, and cover the swords with blood and violence.

Destroying what once was beautiful and powerful, transforming them into a defiled, crying mess.

"Why do you do this to yourself?!" I scream!

He looks back blankly and tips his can bottoms up.

I yell and throw things, creating a tornado of emotion, sweeping through the room.

This room...

So filled with hopelessness and heartache.

These feelings pound on the front door,

vibrate the walls,

upheave the floor,

and leave me in darkness.

I can't escape it! The biology between father and daughter is too strong.

I'm a prisoner, locked inside of my Room of Swords.

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