🚨Ice Cream (Jilix)

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-Top/dom Jisung
-Bottom/sub Felix
-Not proof read
-Jisung is taller in this btw
-1674 words


Felix pov

Felix and Jisung are almost exactly like your usual high school best friends. They shared a dorm and did everything together, their birthdays were even right next to each other.

The two boys were walking hand in hand down the sidewalk, it was getting late and it was clear it was going to get dark soon. They had just came from a picnic with the rest of their friends. The others taking a car back while the two chose to walk.

They both wore smiles on their faces, just enjoying the silence.

"Ji look, ice cream!" The younger said pointing in the direction of a cute little shop.

Jisung chuckled "I didn't bring my wallet but I think I have some back up money on me. Do you want some?" The blond instantly nodded.

The taller felt around in his pockets before pulling out a couple tens. "Found it," he grinned. Instantly he was being dragged across the road and into the shop.

As they entered a bell sounded letting the workers know someone had stepped in. There was a few people sat at tables but otherwise the place was pretty empty. They walked up to the counter, looking over the available ice cream flavors.

A few minutes later the pair stepped out with bright smiles on their faces and ice cream cones in their hands. Felix had gotten mint chocolate chip while Ji had gone for cookies and cream.

"Hey Ji."


"Do you wanna maybe stay out a but longer, I kinda like the dark." He looked up at the sky seeing the sun slowly setting.

"Yeah sure, we're do you wanna go?"

"Well there's that park down the road from here, not many people go there, especially at this time of day." The older smiled grabbing the blonds hand. "Sure!"

The walk to the park was short and sweet, just the two messing about, and Jisung trying to steal some of the youngers ice cream.

"No, back off!" Felix laughed. "But I haven't had that flavor in years." Ji pouted.

"Then you should have got it" the blond said before stuffing the rest of it in his mouth. Jisung gasped "I cannot believe you just did that."

The other laughed and ran towards the park, the older chasing after him.

Felix ran up into the play equipment running through the swings and around poles, until he was faced with a climbing wall.

He turned around seeing Jisung running towards him. The taller ran up to him and hugged him, lifting him off the ground.

"Lixie I wanted to try some," he playfully whined as he placed the boy back down.

The younger chuckled, "well the taste is still on my tongue if you want it." He poked his tongue out at the older.

"Yeah? You know I'd kiss you though."

Oneshots: Lee Felix // ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now