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Swimming Lesson, something surprisingly was a must to pass in Fork High School

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Swimming Lesson, something surprisingly was a must to pass in Fork High School. So here there were, at an indoor public pool that the school had rented out. Dorothea stood there with Rosalie and Alice on each of her sides as the three females stare at the water before them, disgusted. "I never understand the need for this class," Rose grumbled, standing up straight now after glaring heatedly at the pool.

Alice, "I agree, but you can't deny the fun of dressing up in cute bikinis!" she squeal, thinking about the distinguishable styles and brands of swimwear she could show off today. "Well," Dorathea nervously gulped, "I was never acquainted with such a thing. Father wouldn't even let me touch a book, now I have to swim?" Both the older sisters look at her, and they could apparently see how tense Dorothea is with the taught of swimming.

A loud whistle caught the ears of all the teenagers. Their teacher, Mrs. Wright, stood at the edge of the pool in a bright red swimsuit, mimicking a lifeguard as she started the instructions orders of today's lesson. "And you three pretty princess!" she pointed out to Dorothea, Alice, and Rosalie, "No excuses! I can see you plotting out. Your little doe eyes are not going to work this time, Dorothea!"

Dorothea let out a defeated sigh, "Will do, Mrs. Wright," she respond as kindly as she could with a devested tone. Suddenly a pair of arms wrap around her shoulder, looking up to see Emmet's missives smile, "Come on lil sis, think of it like a water park." his words were slightly encouraging until, "Just that you're short and have a high chance of drowning."

And with Dorothea's scared glim in her eyes, Rose took the opportunity to push her boyfriend off her sister, glaring harshly at Emmet who laugh in amusement. His laughter didn't last long when Jasper went up and elbow the air out from his stomach.

Looking around now, the Cullen siblings stood awkwardly as the other teenagers started pilling up into the water, stripping or changing. They see this as a fun chance out of classes, while the Cullens simply lingered for Dorothea, they won't go in if the girl didn't desire to.

Seeing this, Mrs Wright frowned, but she can't deny how sweet it was that the siblings got each other back. But she knew, she won't be able to pass any Cullens if she can't convince Dorothea into the water. "If you just get in the water and swim a lap, I'll pass you, Dorothea," that brings more hope for the said girl.

Gradually one by one, the Cullen started joining into the pool. Emmet and Dean decided to strip in front of everyone and surprisingly under all their clothes was swimwear. The two were prepared. And with a blink of an eye, both cannonball into the pool without warning, causing a huge splash of water hitting others and even a wave crash.

Jasper pulled Dorothea a good inch away from being splashed, but can't say the same for the others. Rose and Alice were drenched like a wet dog, and both had different reactions. One screamed bloody words while the other enjoyed it more and found an excuse to change into a bikini. Both women left to change.

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