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Dream has always thought that his wedding will be the one of his dreams, but no here he is. Being forced to be wed to a person he has never met before. He cares so little about this man's so called "great empire", he wanted nothing to do with it.

He can't stand the fact that he was going to be forced into a tight corset that which was going to be hidden under a, way too long and big white dress, and having a veil that made him practically blind, covering his face was the only thing that was keeping him from going mental and having a break down.

"Your majesty your going to walk the aisle soon," said the maid that helped him get dressed up, he looked at her know that this was the inevitable, "I get that your nervous, but the sooner you can get this over with, the less you will have to suffer in this dress," she said while chuckling at her own little joke. He should have laughed along to help cheer his mood, but he was way too gloomy to at least chuckle a bit. The maid just looked down realizing this wasn't the time for jokes.

A knight walked in and told them it was time, so like the "perfect" prince he was he got up from the chair and followed the knight to where the aisle was. Before he grabbed and held his father's arm he just grabbed all his thoughts and shut them down and thought "it's just for the kingdom"


To say that he was nervous was an understatement, he was at the point the he wanted to rip all of his hair out. He couldn't it will ruin the way too tight and heavy bun his hair was put in, the only thing he could do was hold tightly to his father's arm while his father gave reassuring hand squeezes. He was soon handed off to his "soon-to-be husband"

He felt rough calloused hands hold his, and the priest began to speak.

everything was a blur to him, all he heard were muffled voices, then he pulled out of his train of thought when he heard a deep grumbled voice that made his spine shiver out of fear of what might come next.

"Do you, Dream wastaken take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and in health, through rich and through poor and provide for him when it's needed and promise to complete your omegan duties through out the years?" The priest asked.

he had no other answer than to say yes "I..." he hesitated for a moment already knowing that it was impossible to avoid it because it's to late.
"I do." Dream answered
he said it, it to late for him to turn back and say no.

"Do you , technoblade minecraft take this man to lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and through health, through rich and through poor and lead him through issues that might come in the foreseeable future?" The priest asked *technoblade, so that's his name* Dream thought "I do" a monotone voice replied.

"By the power invested in me, I shall pronounce the both of you husband and lover," the priest said "you shall kiss the bride."

Dream saw fingers grab the edge of the veil and lifted it slowly

what he saw next was a man. He had beautiful pale skin and brown eyes that looked red at a certain angle. He was wearing a maroon suit and his pink hair was put into a neat braid to keep it out of his face. He has some scars that compliment his facial features quite nicely. In dream's opinion this man was handsome

*I guess that's the upside for me* dream thought.

Techno grabbed his face and brought it close to his, he felt his cheeks redden, they were centimeters apart from their lips touching, Dream mentally prepared for the kiss, waiting for the upcoming rough lips, but he got soft ones that felt like smooth silk.

cheering can be heard from the background when they kissed "now for the coronation of the future empress," the priest continued as they broke the kiss. A guard came in and brought the crowns for the emperor and the empress. When he and technoblade bowed down so the priest could place the crowns, he placed them gently on both of their heads then he shouted.

"Long live the emperor and the empress!" It all felt to much for him at that moment that all he could do is cry silently while every body cheered for him.


When the wedding ceremony was over they were lead to a carriage to go to the palace where he would spend the rest of life.

it was a long trip for the both of them, they were tired and just wanted sleep and forget that this whole ordeal happened, all he wanted to do was go home and relax. He was staring at his new husband, which he was looking out the window. "Your majesties, we have arrived."

The carriage door was opened and technoblade stepped out, he held his hand out to help Dream step out, Dream took it and muttered a thank you.

The palace was bigger than any other castle he has seen, it had cobblestone walls that were so tall it looked like it touched the sky, not to mention how cold it was and all Dream had on was a light sweater that matched his wedding dress. Snow covered the spruce trees that surrounded the area.

Once they walked inside it felt warmer than outside. "Your majesty, the council has been waiting for the meeting you planned," said the butler that just walked up to them, "I'll be there in a second," replied technoblade

Soon enough technoblade left. Now he was all alone, that was until he heard a soft voice "your majesty, I shall show you to your room," said the maid before he could say anything he was interrupted by the maid "my apologies, my name is niki, your personal maid," niki...what a nice name he though to himself. "Well niki you can call me Dream, no need for formalities," he said to her with a sweet smile


When they got to his chambers they first thing he asked Niki to do was to warm him a bath. While sh was doing that he started with taking the bodice of the dress off first then the skirt, once he reached the corset he hurried to take it off.

Once he entered the bathroom he got in the hot bath. He felt his muscles relax after the stressful day he had faced. A few memories from earlier coming to haunt him, some even laced with regret and why didn't he say no to the marriage. He closed his eyes to attempt to dismiss his thoughts and sat in the water until it started to cool.

Sleep has started to catch up to him and he soon dozed off his last thought being *this will only be temporary* for his own reassurance.


Thanks for reading I hope you have a great day or night! :}

Just for the kingdom {Dreamnoblade Royalty AU} Where stories live. Discover now