Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Ty went to talk to Amy but when he got there he saw Spartan was missing.
He knew Amy wouldn't be out long as sunset would start in an hours time. He quickly tided up the barn which took about 15 minutes then went up to the loft for a while, once he heard Amy come back he'd go home to his trailer.
The following morning Ty woke up hearing a commotion in the barn, he'd fallen asleep and stayed the whole night, he didn't hear Amy come back."
"You get out of my Barn and dissappear from our lives, or God help me I will fucking shoot you where you stand,  and this time I  wont miss. You have a restraining order to not step on Heartland's land or come within 500 metres of me or Ty."
"What, no hello Dad, sorry for trying to kill you Dad."
"I'm sorry I bloody missed."
"You didn't miss Amy, you got me in the neck."
"Hell, you Bitch, that hurt."
"Well now you've got a hole in your foot as well, the next one goes in your knee then hands, elbows ect. Get where I'm going with this, I'm within my rights to shoot a violent trespasser after what you did to me, look at me, I'm in a wheelchair permanently."
"Okay, Okay, I'm going."
Ty heard Tim's Truck driving away and phoned the RCMP, then ran downstairs shouting Amy's name on the way so she didn't shoot him by mistake, as she was so wired up.
"He just won't give up Ty, it's like he's trying to see how far he can push me."
Ty was holding her and he felt her shaking all over, then crying on his shoulder.
Jack, Lisa and Lou came running into the Barn, it was a bit late, Amy could of been laying in a heap in the middle of the Barn.

Ty forgot all about what he was going to ask Amy , until two days later. The problem though is that Ty is not very subtle and can make things much worse.
Amy was watching a horse in the Corral ring with her new Employee and she was doing brilliantly when Ty still had this thing in his head about what Lou said, instead of minding her own business.
"So, Amy do you have a minute to chat."
"Hi Ty, it will have to be after I've finished watching Claire with this horse I'm afraid, give me 10 minutes."
"No that's fine, as usual the horses comes first."  Then he walked off.

That comment put Amy off her stride immediately. She asked Claire to get out of the Corral and put the horse away  complementing  her that from tomorrow Amy won't  be watching her anymore  as she's fully competent. She then followed Ty in her new four wheeldrive electric chair, catching up to him before he got into his Truck which was outside the front of the house.
"What the hell was that comment supposed to mean Ty,
*Horse's always come first with you Amy.*
How long have we been together Ty, you know I can't just stop in the middle of a session, although Claire wont need watching anymore."
"Yeah okay, but it's annoying when I need to speak to you."
"Okay, well that comment threw me off so we couldn't carry on anyway. So I'm all your's, what would you like to talk about."
"Lou said you didn't like the restaurant I took you to".
"WHAT, why would she say that, I told her what a lovely surprise it was. I've never been to one, admittedly the portions were small but the tastes were like nothing I'd tried before Ty, they were amazing."
"Well she also said you were disappointed that I didn't get you a present, I mean by the time I spent out on the restaurant, I didn't have any money left."
"Ty, it was lovely, and only guessing how much you must of spent, I wasn't expecting a present as well, but please do not take this the wrong way. You don't need to spend a lot of money to make me happy, you should know that by now. I love you for what you did and what you do, it was really special. I did not say anything about not getting a present. The only thing that I did say was that after being together for so long Ty, I was a little disappointed that you didn't propose.  That's what I said Ty, Lou should of kept her mouth shut."

"Lou was right, I should of saved my money and just taken you to Maggie's, I wont make that mistake again."
Then he started to walk off.
"Ty don't be like this please. I Just told you how spesial  ik Wass, I  uve yuo. "


To be continued.

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