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We all know Percy first and foremost has kelp for brains, but he's also adhd, which tends to come with impulsiveness (like shipping medusas head to the gods at age twelve).

So, wouldn't it be extremely plausible for Percy to just be so tired and done with everything after the battle of Manhatten that when the gods offer him immortality he doesn't think hard on it he's just like, "Yeah sure, whatever."

I'm sure most PJO fans have seen ideas of Percy becoming a God but never quite the aftermath of it.

We all remember that Annabeth had already been asked to become a hunter of Artemis before, and with Thalia being on Olypus with Artemis, I think its extremely likely she was asked again. This time however, and now, with nothing and no one holding her back, I believed she would've accepted.

With the giant war and prophecy of the seven looming on the horizon I think Hera would've gotten creative and had like Nico's shadow traveling mess up and bring together certain people from the camps and make them all aware of the others' existence. Annabeth would've taken temporary leave from the hunt for her mom's quest and then gotten wrapped up in the seven prophecy. And the son of Neptune prophecy could've referred to Frank with the whole legacy thing and Tyson claiming him as his brother anyway.

I think Nico would've taken up the seventh spot in the prophecy considering how big his role already was in the war and he quite possibly just went to Tartarus himself again (death boy trying to make it three for three).

But with the gods being needed to help defeat the giants I think Percy would've been very adamant in helping out. But with it only being a year later and all of his friends the gods are worried about him turning on them or something so zues forbids him from helping. And since Percy is Percy and he snuck out to help them he gets in major trouble. Overshadowing Apollo's "role" in the war he takes the "make the dude mortal" punishment instead (which really isn't that much of a punishment for him but...).

And the punishment would be the same essentially. No powers, (possibly) limited memories, and an unfamiliar untrained mortal body no one would recognize.

Just, imagine the possibilities with this...

I would start writing it but I would royally screw it up and give up halfway through so either please, someone else write this or, gods give me strength to do this myself.

Should I start writing it anyways...?😳😏😅

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