𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓔𝓵𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷

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Riki's POV

As I was walked out of school with my friends, I saw her exiting the school at another exit. I suddenly felt an urge to go talk to her, but not paying attention to that urge, I continued walking with my group, adding a word here and there into the conversation. I usually had a lot to add, but my mind was wandering towards a certain girl, so I was unable to properly follow the conversation.

My friend group came to a halt in the parking lot, Sunghoon and Sunoo climbing into the latter's car to head to his house. That duo was always together for projects, inviting each other to their respective homes to "study". While those two walked to the car, chatting, Heeseung hopped into his private driver's car, disappearing from our sight. Jungwon then saw the bus arrive and ran to the bus stop, hoping to make it before the departure. Jake slung his back over his shoulder, waved at us and ran off into the distance, showing off how in shape he was.

Me and Jay started at each other, and I smiled goofily. Usually, Jay would ruffle my hair, laugh or smile back, but this time, he didn't. He just kept his straight face. Actually, calling it a straight face might be a bit generous. It was most definitely a scowl.

I wondered if something had triggered this reaction or if he was just in a bad mood. I decided to leave him alone, because if I knew Jay, I knew that he needed alone time to sort through his emotions. I waved at him and screamed "Bye Jongsaeng!", jogging towards my neighbourhood.

My parents had enough money to pay me a private driver, but I didn't want that luxury. I liked staying in shape, and anyways, my house was only about fifteen minutes away from school.

As I approached my home, I saw someone walking in the same direction as me. She was walking a bit slow, and she looked quite exhausted. She was wearing a dark green hoodie that looks very big on her. I guessed that they were either out of her size at the store or she liked the oversized style.

I was starting to feel the effects of the heat on my skin. Sweat was trickling down my hairline, making my hair stick to my forehead. As I looked at the girl, I guessed that she must've been really hot. I was about to ask her her if she was okay when she started taking off her hoodie. "Good idea," I thought to myself. I continued walking, when suddenly she crumbled to the ground, dropping her bag to the floor and knocking her head on the hard pavement.

Panicking, I ran to her to check if she was still breathing, when I noticed her face. I had only seen her back, so I hadn't been able to notice who she actually was.

It was Choi Juyeon.

Narrator's POV

As Riki took in the scene, he was panicking more and more. Juyeon, the girl who had been stuck in his head the whole day, had just fainted right in front of him.

He checked if her heart was still breathing, and it was, thankfully. Her head was bleeding from the impact with the pavement, but other than that, she didn't appear to be suffering from any other injuries. He examined her, his first aid classes coming back to mind. He looked at her face, put his hand to her forehead to check her temperature. "She's boiling hot..." He thought to himself. He concluded that she must've collapsed from a heatstroke.

Thinking quickly, he picked her up princess style, put her bag on his shoulder along with his bag, and sprinted towards his house. Luckily for the both of them, his house was only two blocks away.

When he finally arrived at his house, he ran inside, kicked off his shoes and ran to his room, still carrying Juyeon. He set her on his bed, putting a towel under her so she wouldn't bleed on any of his things, and ran to his bathroom to get his first aid kit.

He gently cleaned her wound, but not before putting a few cold packs all over her body. He acted with patience and precision, making sure everything was disinfected before putting on the bandage. When he was done treating her, he set her comfortably on his bed and sat at his desk, staring at her.

"Why won't my heart stop beating so fast?"

words: 762

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