𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷

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narrator's pov 

When Juyeon was finally stable enough to stand up on her own, she started looking for her backpack. Riki took it from his desk and passed it to her, somehow managing to look so cool while he did it. While the girl packed her stuff into her bag, the other started rummaging through his drawers.

When she was finally done packing, she looked over to the boy, only to notice that he had something in his mouth. 

A... cinnamon stick ?? she thought to herself in awe, finally understanding why he always had that scent. 

Noticing the girl's stare, Ni-ki took the jar containing many more sticks and held it out to her, offering her one. She shook her head, refusing to try it, as she was a picky eater and never tried new things unless she was forced to. Though, the boy did not seem to like her answer, as he held it out to her again, this time more insistent. She kept refusing, so he decided to whip out his last resort : his charm.

"Do you want mine then ?" He asked as he took his own stick out of his mouth and held it out to her. Juyeon froze, assessing the situation. Did her new crush just offer her his already half-chewed cinnamon stick ? She started asking herself if she should actually accept it, but her reflexes made her quickly shook her head no before she could even think about agreeing. That was probably a good thing. 

Riki laughed nonchalantly, putting it back in his mouth while snickering; "Your loss."

Since Juyeon was all packed up and ready to go, she started to walk towards the door before she felt a pair of arms hold her in place. She felt shivers travel through her spine, from her toes to her cheeks, leaving them raspberry pink as she stared at the floor in embarassment. 

Enjoying seeing her so flustered, Riki took a hold on her chin and pulled it upwards, forcing her to look at him. He bent down, lowering his height to hers, and brought their faces together, whispering in a raspy voice: 

"Where do you think you're going ?" 

Not knowing what to answer, and frankly, quite frightened, the girl mumbled a little "I-I don't know..", leading the boy to let go of her chin and walk towards his closet. "You're staying the night here. I'm not letting you walk back home alone, and I can't accompany you since... I just don't feel like it. So you're staying here !" He gave her a wide grin before opening wide his closet door and walking inside. Juyeon just stood in the doorway of his room, not knowing what to do. Obviously, she wasn't comfortable staying the night in the house of one of the heartbreakers. 

She stopped her train of thought. One of the heartbreakers! That's right! Nishimura Riki was a part of Enhypen, the popular guys, the players. Though that fact should be a red flag that keeps her away from temptation, it just made it grow even more. She was just offered the chance to stay a night with one of the heartbreakers!

Never would she have thought that she would be in this situation. Juyeon was used to be in the shadows, hidden from everyone's view, only once in a while getting noticed when she bumps into someone or makes accidental eye contact. That was already her limit of interaction. But even now, as she was standing in the room of Nishimura Riki, she just couldn't believe that she somehow got herself in this situation.

After a few seconds, she was pulled away from her train of thought. As she looked in front of her, she noticed the boy in front of her had just taken off his shirt, showing off his toned chest. She found herself involuntarily looking, staring, gawking. When Riki noticed that, he grinned at her and winked: "Like what you see?" Juyeon blushed and rushed outside, into the hallway, looking for the nearest bathroom. 

670 words

a/n hi guyssss i'm so sorry for not updating my life has been a living hell recently with schoolwork and exams and stuff, i'll try my best to still post once in a while but pls don't expect frequent updates. i'm doing my best <33

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