Part One - A Forgotten Nightmare.

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Hi, my name is cathy, I'm 16 and I'm turning 17 next month, I hang out with my friends most of the time, I'm glad I met them, their the best friends I could meet,

One is liliana, she's 15, and turning 16 in August, she's super short tempered, and.. I guess about 5'3, overprotective, we give her a title of the mom of the group.

Second is may, oh she's just the best to comfort you, she's warming and sweet, and she's 17, she might be the oldest, but she's super soft hearted, and turns 18 in october, jeez does time fly.

Oh oh, don't forget kate, she's so cool, everyone looks up to her, so surprised were friends, she's 16, the same age as me, turning 17 in March, I could say were super close, you know, the typical sister way?

And me, cathy, but, you know, I already told you about me, pfft, I think.. I don't.. Remember quite much.


I wake up, breathing heavily, I pant and huff, " W.. Wh.. "

I struggle to get a word out, I snap my head to my hands, my palms sweaty, I wipe my eyes, rubbing them,under my eye was pitch black. I shiver and tumble, getting up, I stumble across the room, walking into my bathroom, I flick the light switch on and look myself in the mirror,

" .. Cath-.. Y- " I pant, breathing heavily, my chest bumping up and down, I touch my face, I look like I had cried for days.

" Nightmare.. " I stuttered across my words, giving a sigh, my breathing got softer and calmer, I flick on the tap of the sink, running my hands through the cold water, I jump at the feeling of it, I then wash my face in the ice, cold, water,

giving a sigh of relief, I close the tap, grabbing the towel beside me, I dry my hands smoothly, dabbing the towel on my face gently, I place it back on the sink, walking out of the bathroom, I turn off the light switch,

I would then get back in bed, all cozy, I threw the blanket over me, giving a sigh, I close my eyes, forcing myself to sleep.

In the morning, the rooster did it's morning call, as always, " cockaledoodoo! " it repeated, I groan and snarl, my eyes still closed, I stretch, awake, I force my eyes open, staring at my ceiling, before someone slammed my bedroom door open, walking in, I jump, sitting up quickly, as I pant and huff, breathing heavily.

Oh.. It was just my mom, " Honey, I need to go out for work, you mind stayin with your father? " she said, snarling as she put her earrings on, I gave her a light glare, I give a light sigh.

" But mom- I wanted to go out today-! " I stumble across my words, she cut me off before I said anything else.

" Okay okay, then get up quickly and get ready, because your father ain't drivin you for sure. " she walked out, her heels clicking loudly on the wooden floor, and her hips swayed side to side.

I groan, throwing a little tantrum, I finally get up, stretching, I give a light moan, " Ugggg.. " I snarled, going to my bathroom, across the room, I stomp.

I flick the bathroom light on, seeing the bathroom messy. " Why.. Is it so messy? " I raise a brow, looking around, the towel caught my attention, it had a bloody hand print, I jump at the blood, it was dripping on the ground, I then had a thought across my head, hey, maybe my mom used the bathroom last night,

I thought to myself, " Whatever.. " I turn the tap on, running my hands through the ice cold water, I wash my face quickly, wanting to get out of here, I close the tap, I close the light, flicking the light switch off, I ran out the bathroom, closing the door behind me, it had freaked me out enough already.

I then stumble to my closet, sliding the slide door open, I stick my head in, looking at the clothes I had, I had picked out then a tight turtle neck, and black flare jeans, and I then took out my nikes out, I sit on my bed, changing my clothing quickly, I sit on my bed, placing my mismatched color socks on, I place my shoes on, struggling lightly, I finally get it on, tieing the laces, I got up, fixing my pants, I fix my long curly hair, grabbing the bag I had set ready from last night, and rushing down stairs.

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