42.We're gonna be timeless

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I go to the place that i rented out for the weekend it's this airbnb with this gorgeous outside dining area right by the forest
it's finally time to tell everyone that Jamie and i are dating, we both start setting up the dinner we make 2 different pastas, 3 different pizzas, and salad since we will be feeding a lot of people
we start bringing out the food to the table when the door gets slung open Cy, Bowie, and Zen all come storming in screaming i turn to jamie with a big smile and sprint to the kids when i get inside they gasp and scream again "well don't just stand there come here" they run into my arms and i squeeze them they giggle "wow you guys are getting so grown"
Zoë walks up to me "i know right they have grown a little too quickly just like all of you"
when she says this i get a little sad because i realize i've been wasting so much time and i really need to take in every single mthe moment I have, zoës husband Marco and Jamie set up the rest of the food while I hang out with the kids and zoë, then there's a knock on the door "It's open" When I say that the door aggressively gets opened god this poor door sam and the kids come in and now Rocket, Racer, and River collapse into me. After 15 minutes everyone is finally here we all greet each other i have done nothing but smile this is exactly what i've been wanting my whole life i have my family, friends and the guy i love with me i want to live the rest of my life like this "okay can we eat now i'm starving" trinity semi whispered we all laugh and sit over at the table "thank god we're eating i thought we were never gonna eat" i roll my eyes at Britain, we all get food and we eat when we're all almost done Britain speaks up again "i love you guys but why did you text us and tell us to come to this random airbnb" Jamie and i look at each other
"i well we had something to tell you all" i say while looking over at jamie then back to the family "are you and jamie getting married?" rocket asks as Sam pats him on his head while laughing the thought of marrying him makes my heart rate rise Jamie nudges me and grabs my hand "We're together, like dating" I say finishing my sentence gasping and clapping going around the table along with "oh my gods" and a lot of "i knew it" Jamie and i laugh at the reactions we were getting he hugged me then trinity screams "family group hug" All of their reactions made me wanna smile and cry at the same time the kids come up to us first everyone piles up in one big huddle and we have a long hug "I love you guys so much" We ended up hugging for so long we all fell over I tried to catch the little kids and I was successful we all stayed silent for a second before River started laughing so hard we thought he was gonna pee himself we joined him in laughing Jamie turns over to me again smiling "This is the perfect day," I say smiling back at him "Yeah it is" he kisses me I don't want anyone else to kiss me ever I want it to be him and him only "we wanted you guys together since forever ago but don't kiss that's gross" Britain states making everyone laugh again "shut up brit" I shove him away.

Jamie and Finally get to the apartment and As we get ready for bed I look at him and there's this feeling that I've felt my whole life but I never knew it was love no I know I love him with my entire body, I know I'm gonna love him when our hair is turnin' gray and We'll have a cheesy cardboard box of photos of the life we've made we will look through them and we'll know We are timeless.

A/n: Sorry timeless by Taylor has been stuck in my head but here another chapter I've had no motivation to write but I love them so so much

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