Karl and [NAME] VS Rellik

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"Ahhh, I can't believe it!" Del exclaimed. She was with her friend, Rellik, seemingly trying to find a safe spot.
"Rel, I told you... I told you not to break the phone!" She complained. Her ears drooped down, showing she were sad.
"Now what am I gonna do?" Del asked herself.

"So much for 'I'm on my own in this'..." Rellik thought, not listening to Del's whining.

"Del, there's..."

"I can't waste the wish to get back home..."


"What if my parents find out?" Rellik was starting to get annoyed.

"Del!" Del turned around.

"WHAT?!" That little outburst actually caught the vampire off-guard.

"There's a building in taitle made exclusively for non-competitors. Or so I've heard." Rellik explained. That sentence made Del grin, thinking she'll actually go home.

"Right! They must have a phone in there! I could call for help. Real help..."

"Let's move, then. It's dangerous for you to stay here." The iconic duo began walking again, not knowing a familiar drone watching them this whole time.

"We're in a decadent abandoned city, what could possibly happ—" Del got caught off by a closet landing just in front of her. Rellik looked up just to see a drone.

"Oops! My bad! I just wanted to empty the room, I swear!" You explained. You heard Karl calling out for you.

"[NAME]? Deary me, what did you do now?" He chuckled. He looked outside to see Del and Rellik looking up at the two of you. Karl looked outside for a second.

"Have any of you seen a red haired girl?  Curly hair, black skirt, violin with another drone with white wavy hair, butler suit..." Del's tail poked her before pointing at something.
"No? Hmm..." Karl hummed while you perked up.

"Also, also, also! Are you two humans? Asking for my lil friend over here!" You asked them, trying your best to seem innocent. Del rested her hands on her hips.
"What kind of question is that?"

"Come on, Del. We must get to the city's limits." Rellik suggested, already starting to go forward.

"No way they're gonna go away without answering my question..." You squited your eyes at them as Karl just stared at you in... amusement? Awe?... He couldn't wrap his finger on it. He somehow enjoys your company. And kind of want it to last forever... and maybe— his train of thoughts was disturbed by the sound of glass breaking, and crashing. You somehow managed to drag Karl,  not wanting to disturb his thought and found the machines you had left when you entered the taitle, and threw it out of the window, where it had landed on Rellik.

You jumped out of the window, and landed on the machine.
"If you're going to leave, atleast answer my question!" You complained, crossing your arms. Meanwhile, Karl came out of an alleyway nearby.


Del immediately ran inside a building next to her with a yelp, the two of you following after.

"We've lost the opportunity to finish my match this past afternoon..." Del looked back, thinking she had lost the killer duo, but was surprised to see them right around the corner.
"And it would be quite a shame if I lost this one as well." Del yelped again, backing away.  Karl let you take the lead, so you were about to launch forward. You felt something on your shoulder, screaming when suddenly you felt yourself hitting the wall, landing on a pile of boxes.

"Rel! You were waiting for the dramatic moment to save me, weren't you?"

"... You're welcome."

You crawled away from the now broken boxes and got up with the help of Karl. He was staring—maybe glaring— at Rellik.

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