Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Early February...........

It was a beautiful morning in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. The city streets were surprisingly occupied so early. The day dawned crisp and clear. The blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze. All in all, it was the perfect day to chill out on the school rooftop...

Filling this position, was an average height, young teen, with two-toned yellow and black hair resting in a hammock. He wore his favorite black hoodie over his school uniform. His hair would shift a bit in the wind as his hammock swayed from side to side. The most defining tattoo of his, is a tiger tattoo on his neck.

The bell, signalling the start of the school day, rang aloud to the point it could be heard out into the schoolyard. Hearing this, Rinne opened an eye revealing one of his pair of gold irises. The door to the rooftop creaked slowly to his side, drawing his attention towards it.

A dry male voice called out to the teen. "Psst~ Hey..... Asakusa..."

- "Yeah?" Rinne replied. He sat up from his resting spot, extending his legs hanging from the hammock.

The purple haired junior walked from behind the door and sat against the walls. "It's me. Hitoshi Shinso."

- "'Bout time. I almost got tired of waiting for you. So......." Rinne's facial expression dramatically shifted. "Did you bring it?"

Shinso sighed and unzipped his bag. After a few minutes of scavenging, he brought out what he was looking for. "Here. The latest Jump magazine."

The bi-haired boy's serious demeanor quickly shifted to a form representing his current excitement. "Let's go!!! You never seem to disappoint, Shinso!"

- "You're such a kid." Hitoshi insulted, under his breath.

- "Definitely, not true. Plus.... That's no way to speak to your senior!"

- "We're in the same grade. You're just saying that because you're older than me by a couple of months." The purple haired boy yawns, picks up his bags and begins to walk back inside.

- "You really should get some rest, dude. You're getting eye bags." The older one advised, while lying back down on his hammock.

- "I get enough sleep. I'm just tired of these idiots in class. Speaking of class, aren't you going?"

Rinne thought to himself for a bit, followed by a sigh. "I guess so. It's about that time of the year anyways. Might as well get it over with...."

- "By 'that time of the year', do you mean U.A High's Entrance Exam?" Shinso asked.

Rinne nodded. "Yeah, it's in two weeks. I was hoping to get in through academic recommendations, but it didn't work out quite like I had hoped."

- "I envy you, Asakusa." Hitoshi spoke, causing Rinne to raise an eyebrow in curiosity. "Those with quirks suited for combat are destined for success. I can remember it like yesterday. In my first year, my classmates found out about my quirk. Their reaction was as expected. They saw it as a villainous quirk..."

Hitoshi leaned his head against the surface behind him, using his hand to block the sun. "...and truth be told... they're right. I'm not surprised I haven't been bullied. They're probably afraid that I'd try to brainwash them."

- "Shinso, I won't try to deter you from envying me. Though, I will say, my position in this life is nothing to envy. In fact, you could say, I envy your freedom. My old man is strictly against me taking the Entrance Exam. I have no clue why." Rinne informed him.

Shinso looked a bit shocked. "I had no idea about that. "

- "How would you know? I don't talk about it much. To be honest, I, myself, am still dealing with the pain. But it's because of that pain that I'm the 'rebellious child'. Heheh." Rinne chuckled.

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