Kirishima Eijirou ~ 💕

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Content: fluff

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It was quiet, but a comfortable one. All you could hear was the low music playing in the background and Eijirou drove, the headlights cutting through the darkness ahead. You smile, the feeling of his hand on your inner thigh in a comforting manner.

"How much longer until we're there?" You ask impatiently, leaning back into your seat.

"Not much longer, a few minutes tops, love," Eijirou responds, flashing you a teethy smile.

You sigh as he continues driving. Wherever he was taking you must've been a really big surprise for him to be able to keep it such a secret, it's pretty far out of town, too. A few minutes pass by and he parks the car. He gets out and tries to rush over and open your door before you can, but he was too late as you had already stepped out of the car giggling at his pouting face. Nonetheless, he takes your hand and guides you into a field. He stops somewhere in the middle of it, and lays down on his back. You do the same. He gets comfortable, putting his arms behind his head as he looks up at the sky.

"I used to come here all the time before I moved into the dorms at UA. There's no city lights near so the stars are visible," he grins.

"Wow.. it's gorgeous, Eiji," you gushed.

You both lay there for a moment in silence, staring up at the sky. Eijirou then starts naming different constellations.

"Which is your favorite constellation?" He asked.

"Hm, I think it's called The Orion, I love the story behind it," you reply softly.

"That's the one about the son of Poseidon who claimed to be the greatest hunter, angering Hera causing her to kill him with Scorpius?" He replied.

"Yes! That one! The story is really intriguing to me," you mused. "Which is your favorite?"

"I think my favorite would have to be Baidam, the shark!" He grinned, looking at you.

You laughed a bit, the reason why being quite obvious. You scooted closer to him, still watching the stars. You felt like the only people in the entire world, everything being so silent. The moment seemed to carry on forever until something caught your eye.

"A SHOOTING STAR!" You exclaimed, sitting up and pointing.

"HURRY! MAKE A WISH!" Eijirou shouted back, both of you going quiet and closing your eyes.

A few seconds go by and you both open your eyes, looking at each other.

"What'd you wish for?" He asked.

"I can't tell you! Then it won't come true!!" You respond, pretending to be annoyed.

"I'll tell you what I wished for," he said, leaning in to whisper in your ear.

He whispers it in your ear, and you feel blush creep up your cheeks as he pulls away. You smile, kissing him on the cheek,

"Let's go home, Eiji."



(474 words)

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