The Endless Nightmare: A Terrifying Journey Through Supernatural Torment

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In my dream, I found myself in my apartment, different from my own but very similar. I was calm when I started hearing eerie voices and feeling the presence of spirits around me. A sense of fear washed over me, and I to the living room to seek solace in the company of a friend named Cooly. Desperate for reassurance, I confided in him, explaining that something was terribly wrong. I could hear inexplicable things and feel ominous forces lurking. Cooly tried to reassure me, insisting that everything was fine.
Seeking respite from the unsettling experiences, I retreated to my room and fell into a deep slumber. However, my sleep was restless, and I awoke to find myself trapped in sleep paralysis. Unable to move or speak, I strained to make out a voice whispering incomprehensible words. I desperately attempted to scream for help, but only feeble murmurs escaped my lips. I shook and struggled, attempting to break free from the paralysis, until a single word began to form: "HELLLP!" Suddenly, I fell back into the grip of sleep paralysis.
Then, my friend Cooly burst into the room, alarmed by my distress. Despite my inability to respond effectively, he tried to console me. My vision remained blurry, and my head remained fixated on the bed as I continued to cry out for assistance. Cooly shook me vigorously, assuring me that I was safe. With a deep breath, I settled back down, convinced that it was all just a terrible dream. Exhausted, I slipped back into sleep.
However, my relief was short-lived. Once again, as I drifted into slumber, my vision became hazy, but this time, I could move. Yet, an inexplicable force seemed to pull me back, as if I were sinking into my pillow, succumbing to an overwhelming drowsiness. It was then that I realized my hands were no longer my own but instead felt like my soul. The realization sent shivers down my spine, and I abruptly fell back into my physical body.
Confused yet intrigued, I recognized this experience as astral travel. Despite my trepidation, Once more, I found myself paralyzed, unable to speak or move, trapped in a state of hopelessness. I strained to scream, desperately attempting to break free from the suffocating grip of fear, only to utter the same plea for help: "HHEELLPP!"

To my astonishment, Cooly burst into the room, witnessing my torment firsthand. He, too, was now ensnared in the same inexplicable nightmare. As we struggled to comprehend the escalating horrors, we heard footsteps and voices near the door. Cooly turned his attention towards the commotion, and together, we glimpsed shadows of feet, indicating the presence of someone or something on the other side. The sight petrified us, and we cried out for help in sheer terror. However, as Cooly shifted his gaze, the voices and feet vanished into thin air, leaving us bewildered.
Upon waking from this tormenting dream, tears streamed down my face as I questioned the bewildering occurrences. Cooly, equally disturbed, now shared my overwhelming experiences. We retreated to a room and attempted to distract ourselves by watching TV. But suddenly, all the electronics shut off, including our phones, plunging us into darkness. The door slammed open with an ominous bang, revealing two figures—this time, they appeared as aggressive policemen, radiating anger and hostility. They forcefully pressed our faces to the floor, intending to arrest us. In desperation, I wished them to disappear, and in an instant, they vanished into thin air. I was left astounded and terrified, realizing that this nightmare was far from over. Cooly and I felt a sense of urgency to leave the room, as if we had a destination to reach after enduring these haunting events.
Seeking solace, we decided to attend a picnic with my mother, grandmother, and my little baby brother. As we sat there, still shaken by the previous experiences, I noticed something peculiar. My grandmother pulled out a black (cigarette), asking if we wanted to smoke. Though tempted, I declined out of respect for my mother, who was present and aware of my smoking habit. My mother gave me a disapproving look, as if I had done something wrong. Despite feeling uneasy, I brushed it off, not wanting to disrupt the fragile normalcy that seemed to linger.
Time passed, and the sky grew cloudy. Rain began pouring, forcing us to seek shelter in an unknown house. The details of whose house it was eluded me, but we all gathered together, seeking refuge. We settled against a wall, weary and on edge. Nearby, the cooler from the picnic sat, and a thirst overcame me. Tentatively, I asked if I could grab a drink from the cooler, and those around me granted permission.
As I slowly approached the cooler, an unexpected and terrifying event unfolded. With a sudden explosion, water burst out with tremendous force, drenching me entirely. The cooler itself started levitating, violently bouncing up and down as if possessed by an otherworldly power. Panic ensued, and we all screamed, desperately trying to comprehend the inexplicable occurrence unfolding before us.
Amidst the chaos, my mother held my baby brother tightly, but something sinister transpired. In a ghastly transformation, the innocent child morphed into a demonic goat known as Baphomet. Its name carried dark legends and ties to occult and esoteric practices throughout history. The goat began uttering horrifying words, proclaiming that I would be subjected to eternal torture and suffering. My mother, overwhelmed and alarmed, fled with the demonic creature in her arms.
Driven by fear, I followed her outside, only to find heavy rain continuing to pour down relentlessly. Suddenly, my mother stopped, as if under a malevolent influence. She turned to face me, and in that moment, an angelic song filled the air. The baby's face underwent a metamorphosis, transforming into something beyond comprehension—an image I am unable to describe or comprehend fully. The sky opened up, revealing a blinding light, as if representing the presence of God, the Holy Trinity.
My mother's countenance changed, her face obscured, yet I understood that it was God—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—manifesting before me. In awe and disbelief, I listened to the celestial chorus and beheld the divine revelation unfolding. And then, abruptly, I awoke from this haunting dream.
As I regained control of my physical body, a lingering numbness persisted, reminiscent of sleep paralysis. Slowly, I regained movement, but fear consumed me, and I vowed to preserve the memory of this harrowing experience. Grasping my phone, I realized that only a short amount of time had passed since I had fallen asleep—an hour at most. The realization deepened the shock of the vivid nightmare that felt endless in its horrors.
Compelled to capture every detail, I opened my notes and diligently transcribed every fragment of the dream that I could recall. The depth of fear, supernatural torment, and inexplicable phenomena I had encountered would forever haunt my consciousness, reminding me of the horrors that unfolded within the confines of my own mind.

Keep in mind I only slept for one hour exactly wich is impossible and that's how I know this is spiritual

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