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A/n: IM ALIVE!! SORRY FOR NOT POSTING 😭😭. I've finally gotten better, so I'll hopefully be able to start my daily uploads again 🙏.

So for a better apology, you guys can have Rin and Isagi fluff 🫶







School ended rather quickly than Isagi had expected, and Hyo wanted Isagi to hang out with Reo and Nagi, but Isagi had gotten a random headache and didn't feel like it, they understood and he assured them to go on without him.

Isagi groaned as he entered the dorm, holding his head because it was getting worse just walking. He closed the door behind him and Rin was on the couch reading. He looked up at Isagi, Isagi didn't even glance at him.

"Isagi, you alright?" Rin asked, more like mumbled.

Isagi hummed in response and immediately went into the kitchen, searching around for any pills he could take to help ease the pain. He looked through the cupboards. Rin stared confused for a little moment before standing up and walking over to the kitchen where he stood in the door frame.

"Is there...any medicine or something..?" Isagi mumbled as he finished looking in the cupboards.

"No...we don't, are you feeling alright?" Rin asked and walked over to Isagi who had now turned to Rin.

"Mm, just not feeling the best." Isagi responded as he felt Rin place his hand on his forehead, checking his temperature.

"Jeez Isagi, you're burning, take the jacket off." Rin said as he helped Isagi take his layers off.

"Come." Rin said as he took Isagi's hand and led him into his and Nagi's room.

He helped Isagi lay down comfortably and went to go and wet a cloth so he could attempt to cool Isagi down.

"Hang on, I'll get you some water as well." Rin said as he placed the cloth gently on Isagi's forehead.

Isagi groaned feeling the cloth, Rin stood up and left the room to go and get Isagi water. While Isagi had taken the cloth off, feeling annoyed by it.

Not long afterwards and Rin came back in, sighing when he saw the cloth of Isagi's forehead. He placed the glass on the nightstand and sat on the bed next to Isagi.

"Isagi, you have to keep this on, you're just going to get worse." Rin said as he grabbed the cloth placing it on Isagi's forehead again.

Isagi glanced at Rin, they both held eye contact for a little bit before Isagi hummed and looked away.

"Were you in the rain or something?" Rin asked, wondering why Isagi suddenly got sick.

"Don't..know." Isagi shrugged, his voice croaky, which made it more clear Isagi was definitely sick.

"Take care of yourself more." Rin sighed and stood up about to leave before Isagi grabbed a hold of his hand, surprising him.

"Do you need anything else?" Rin asked and looked at Isagi.

"Stay.." Isagi mumbled softly, Rin still happened to hear it.

"You..want me to stay?" Rin asked puzzled.

"I want the company." Isagi said.

"Okay then..." Rin nodded, blush forming the tiniest little bit on his face.

Rin sat back down next to Isagi, neither of them had let go of each other's hand. Rin definitely knew he was sick, since he didn't think Isagi would do this normally.

"This is annoying." Isagi groaned and was about to take the cloth off with his free hand.

"Keep it on please." Rin said as he used his free hand to keep the cloth placed on Isagi's forehead.

"Why." Isagi said.

"Because it'll help cool you down, you're burning up." Rin explained again.

"Okay.." Isagi mumbled.

Rin squeezed Isagi's hand gently and nodded as he pulled his phone out to bring entertainment to him while he stayed by Isagi. Isagi on the other hand, shifted himself closer to Rin and closed his eyes wanting to sleep.

Rin happened to notice this, and placed his phone on the nightstand, brushing some of Isagi's strays of hairs out of his face. Rin caressed his hair gently to try and help relax Isagi, which somewhat worked.

He watched as Isagi finally dozed off to sleep, he didn't know what to do, since Isagi technically fell asleep in Rin's embrace, it took Isagi around 30 minutes to sleep.

Rin sighed again as he patted his back gently as he felt himself slowly fall asleep as well.












A/n: I hope this chapter is okay for everyone 😭😭...

Almost 17k reads?!?

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