1 reaction room

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" have you found any information of the potter brat " Voldemort said quite pissed off because the boy who lived was gone how does that even happen

" .. no my Lord " everyone's smirk sliped off their face Voldemort's blood red eyes glowing his slits of a nose flaring in annoyance

" Are they not telling you anything~" Bellatrix taunts

Snape glared at her , she rolled her eye snickering as quiet as she could manage

" Severus hurry up and find something  or I will kill you!" Voldemort's voice yelled with anger Snape nodded not trusting his voice as much as he wished he did


" What are we gonna do  my mate is missing!" Ron said worried

" Most importantly what will you know who will do !" Hermione shivered thinking about it

" Don't y'all worry to much we will find him as quickly as we can I promise " Dumbledore said calmly but inside he was freaking out not sure if he can find where harry went

" Can't we use magic to find him!?" Ron said not calming down one bit harry was a brother to him and how will his mother feel about harry missing

" It's not so easy because the person has to want to be found as well "
Dumbledore said that meaning he has tried multiple times

Ron was sure he was about to cry he hated how calm Hermione was same to Dumbledore even the twins stopped pranking has much harry missing has effected everyone even Malfoy which is weird


Everyone was teleported into a room with a tv and speakers and sits

" WHERE ARE WE "  ginny shrieked running up to Ron like he was going to protect her

" Where are our wands !?" Draco said when he reached for his wand it was gone everyone checked for theirs but their wands were gone

" Your here to react" a voice said out of nowhere no one could see where it came from

" You won't be able to see me "

" They  figured that out already " another weird voice said

" Where are we than " Dumbledore said

" In the reaction room "

" What or who are watching " Voldemort said

" Harry potter or cale henituse "

" OMG IS HE OKAY "  Hermione said

" Yes his fine "

" He changed his name " Lucius said

" Yes obviously " the weird voice sassed

" Where is he " Snape asked

" Not here but will be soon "

Everyone nodded

" Okay he will look different and will act different so that is my warning "

Everyone nodded again

" You will need to talk it's boring without it "

" Cool " draco said

" Okay " the twins said

" Somewhat better first what he looks like "

harry potter as cale henituse ( reaction)Where stories live. Discover now