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"Why did you change your decision suddenly?" My mom asked me when we having our dinner together.

"Can't I....." I said smiling.

"Fourth son ! Are you okay?" My mom asked him while he was eating his meal.

"Yes mom.... The foods are so delicious. Thank you two" he said greeting to them.

"You must eat well. Even you are not in a hungry, you must eat." When my mom saying , he"s mom was nodded her head approved what she said.

"Because your lovely husband no time to take care of you when he doing he"s works !" My mom  added rudely.

"I won"t do that to him ! ~~~ so don"t worry about him." I said my words seriously.

" If you won"t, I am glad anyway.......why I do care......." My mom always talked with me againstly.

"So Gemini son , when are you going ? Tomorrow? " Fourth"s mom asked me.

"No mom ...we will going tonight !"

"What ! are you saying real Gemini? My mom asked me .

"Are we going today Gemini?" Fourth joined to my mom"s question.

"Yes baby........Is that okay ? Or do you want to stay here several days?" I asked him while we was thinking.

"I thought that you will go tomorrow"

"No mom..... I am going tonight."

"But Gemini , Fourth must be tired....."

"No.......mom....I am okay with that. And I know that he has works anyway." Fourth said stopping my mom"s words.

"I think it"s good Juwel." his mom said ,comforting my mom. 


After our conversation I went with Fourth to our room because to help to arrange his stuffs. Even Sally came to help to him, I said to her that I can help to him to pack his stuffs, then she left left.

I packed his everything and he only did sitting on the bed and saying what he want and what he not want.

"Are you sleepy baby?" I asked him when I seeing his sleepy eyes. "Mmm...just a little bit....but that"s okay.....I will stay awake.."

"Hey....baby.....you don''t need to awake.....sleep okay.....we can go tomo..."

"I want go tonight Gemini....." He said cutting my words. 

"But you need to get some rest first okay...."I snugged him kissing his lips slowly. I was snugged him until he went to sleep. After he went to sleep ,I went to pack his stuffs again.

No matter what I say ,Sally came and helped me to pack his stuffs. I am happy when Sally with us. She has helped me a lot. I never forget that.

~~~~~TWO DAYS LATER~~~~~

"Its"s a normal thing Sir !"

"But Sally......he always vomits and I am afraid If something will happen to him" When I was telling Fourth"s current situation Sally always said that is normal and do not think about too much !

Fourth always vomited and went to sleep after he ate. Sometimes I feed him and wash his body when he was weak. He always says that he is tired and feel dizzy. 

This situation was a whole month and after five months he was used to this situation and he patient it. But now he"s belly was showing and it makes me happy. 

He always came to me when I was doing my works in my working room. The workers who works in my ship, they all help to him for anything and they all were happy about he"s pregnancy.

Fourth always talks with the workers and trying to help to them. Even they said no, he doesn"t listen to them. So they always complained to me and when I was  trying to tell that to him, he was mad with me. 

He didn"t sleep until I come to bed. Sometimes he was asked me to fucked him. when I asked him why, he told me that he just felt that he want it now.

I was too carefully when I was inside him and when I was fucking him....Because that is my child.

"Are you tired baby?" I was asking him while touching his big belly and kissing his secret place again and again.

"Gemini....Now I am sleepy....." he said when trying to stand he was touching he"s belly. He"s every reactions made me smile and I loved that.


Gemimi"s life was changed because of Fourth. Gemini was a busy person at first. That"s why he"s mom always told him that he is not like as he"s father.

Got married with him , made a child with him and living with him is the happiest and the right decision which Gemini got in his entire of life. He is glad about that he found him and got a chance to love him.

When my mom was telling about him , I didn"t take it seriously. Yes ! I was stupid too. But that all are the beautiful mistakes which we have happened to our life.

Gemini wasn"t a person who never to love with someone. He has loved too. And he has planed his whole life with that person.

To living with that person, to love that person, to kiss that person, to fuck that person and to make a child with that person. He has loved to living a that kind of life before he found Fourth.

But after he found Fourth he could to do that things even with him too. When he is with him , he always felt that he is he"s comfort place and heaven.

Gemini lived a happy life and a perfect life with him. Gemini wanted to show amazing places and take him around to the world. Even though their child wasn"t born yet , he wanted to show these things to Fourth and their child. Gemini made he"s life as a magican place and in their story the magician was Fourth.

~~~~~Life is a magical place. But only can be a magician is only humans~~~~~



English is not my first language . So if  there were mistakes plz forgive me. This story could be bored , This story could be sad , This story could be not enough for you , This story could be not nice one or beautiful one , If you all feel it like that I am so sorry. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STAYED WITH ME UNTILL THE END.I AM SO GLAD FOR THAT. THANK YOU ALL !  HAVE A NICE DAY !

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