Samantha Agnes Poveda:
A young adult in her mid 20s who is currently giving up on live. It has already been 3 months of unemployment and from time to time she has been losing all her hopes and believes in wonder or any sings of better times. It's not her looks, it's not her personality, it's not her brilliance, it's not her surrouding nor the fact that she grew up "differently" because her dad left them when he found out about the pregnancy, not any of these things would leave a bad impression on such a lovely and heartwarming woman, there were just way too many good features of hers, which is why she surrounded herself many good friends. But her life also faced downs and so she got fired from her job as a servant in a 5 Star restaurant because of an absurd reason. While she was taking a new customer to his table she noticed his weird stares which were different to those of clients who listened attentive to her recommondations and weren't staring at her for any other reasons. After bringing every one of the 7 cours menu meals, the man looked in her eyes for a few seconds, thanked her for her service and asked for her number. Samantha felt cornered by his question and didn't know how to politely respond to his question without making him angry. She took a few breaths in and replied in the most calm and polite way "I'm sorry Sir, but unfortunately I can't give you phone number because of working guidelines.". Without even a blink of thinking his mood changed and he started to agressively ask her over and over again to hand her number to him but she never once thought about doing it. The manager of the restaurant quickly reacted and tried to calm the man down so he would stop making such a fus over her number. As a result Samantha had to be fired because it turned out the customer is well known to the CEO of the restaurant and even blackmailed he would never visit again and cut ropes with him and his restaurant if she would have kept her job. I knew it was hopeless, thinking about a future in the same restaurant considering the power someone with a LOT of money, good connections and a successful bussiness has against an average woman in her mid 20s. They say if there are a lot of people who tell you you're wrong about something then you must be wrong, you must be the problem. That's the point where even the most angel-like human think bad about their personal opinion and start thinking of themselfes rudely without even realizing it. At first Samantha started getting this kind of mindest thinking she had to change but as qick as the thought came as quick it was gone . She knew her worth, her decisions and things she wanted to achive. She knew she did nothing wrong but she did understand the circumstances and the decision of her Boss and that's the reason, why she never held a grudge against the restaurant because she knew how perfect and flawless you have to be to succeed in this industry. Directly after the incident she tried to convince herself into getting in new field of work which she never considered before. She loved her previous job but she also couln't satisfy her demand of trying out something different. Something she could expect new experiences in and the most important thing : learning by farious new people. Samantha never shared any interests in memorizing from textbooks or from some old chalk written on the blackboard she rather listened and watched. This talent helped her a lot with adapting to a very polite form of communication which was neccessary for a job in a high-rated restaurant.
the librarian
Короткий рассказThe young adult called Samantha Poveda lost her job and keeps having bad luck in work as in love. There luckily is hope as soon as she found a job offer at a mysterious but comforting library. A Feeling long forgotten is coming back to life and open...