1.0 Chapter 19: Red Justice

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Welcome to Chapter 9, how's everyone doing so far?

If last chapter didn't make sense please comment here!

Sorry for the late update!

Thanks! Here we go!

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Ladybug's POV

I had transformed right before Red Justice punched me. Which wasn't the first thing she did. She actually used her whip too.

It was red and longer than expected.
"What does she call herself?" Chat Noir had showed up a little after and I was furious.
"She calls herself Red Justice." I murmured.
"Oh, nice. Another victim who wants Justice. Do you remember that time-"
"Chat, not the time. I need you to attack-"
"But listen, if we don't make sure that whip is somewhere it can't touch us, she'll just touch us with that thing. And we don't know what it does-"
"I'm the leader here and you listen to me! Go and do what I said."

I had snapped on Chat and his face showed he was hurt.
"I-I am sorry I forgot to meet you afterwards. I actually need to tell you something myself." Chat started.
"Not now! Follow-"


"Ladybug, ladybug, ladybug, have you never learned. Anger is never a good sign for a hero. Now you're mine. Whatever I tell you-"
"Don't let her make an order!" I turned toward Alya, who had screamed the sentience at me and I nodded.
"Keep her silent!" I yelled toward Chat.
"How? We can't really-"
"Not so good charming cat?" Chat joked.
"You're next, Cat!" Red Justice snapped.
"How awfully scary."

"No, Ladybug, you stop bugging my plans! UGH!" In a millisecond Red Justice vanished in a poof.
"Was I imagining or did she just go poof?" Chat asked.
"She did. But where?" I asked more myself then Chat Noir.

"The bug and cat standing on top of a building, acting like some fools!"
Somehow, Red Justice had showed up behind us.
"Oh please, ever heard of diversions, Chat Noir...as much as this was a pleasure, it's time my plans set forth..."
"Forth thow shall not!" Chat did bad Shakespeare.
I rolled my eyes. Which Red Justice mimicked.
"Ugh, how do you even handle him...bye."

Another red poof and she was gone again. 
"UGH!" I screamed.
"Don't tell me to calm down."
"And don't say you weren't going to. We need to find her...scout patrol areas and I'll look for her in place she could be. Go."

With our orders, one given to and one understood, we rush off.

I look around for anyone that looks exactly like the Red Justice. Every where there are people walking, talking and going somewhere. No sight or sound of Red Justice.

I called Chat Noir from my yo-yo.
"I don't see her-"
"I do...I was going to call you. She's at Chloe's room in the hotel-"
"I'm coming, stay there."

I swung my yo-yo once more and landed next to Chat Noir.
"What's she doing...talking?" I asked.
"Looks like it actually, I've never seen a calm akumatization that they...talk to people. Especially Chloe." Chat added.
I chuckled.
"Any ideas for what we need do to...deakumatize her?"
"We might need a bit of luck." I smirked.
"Always. Let's get on with it."

A cap? I looked around and saw that Red Justice had a mask over her eyes.
"I think her weakness is her eyesight. If we block her eyes from seeing-"
"She might not be able to aim with her whip."
I sighed.
"But where would the akumatized object?"
"Her necklace. It looks just like the Fox miraclous-"
"And she's obsessed with that thing. I'll use my powers on her necklace."
"And I'll blind her." I said.

We both sneaked up around Chloe's hotel room. Nodding, we grab at Red Justice.
"NO!" Red Justice throws us off her and we use our yo-yo and baton.
"Left!" I yelled toward Chat Noir. I gained on her right.


"Watch out! LADYBUG!" I turned around and grabbed Chat Noir and pushed the whip away with a chair.
"It's like she can see us from every direction." Chat whines.
"The cap...we need to get the cap on her. Come on!" I used my yo-yo to reach toward the roof and jumped on Red Justice.
Putting the cap on her, she yells. Then comes Chat.
He touches the amulet and it darkens.
"NOOOOOO!" Lila screams.
"I HATE YOU! LADYBUG AND CHAT NOIR!" Lila screams and turns toward Chloe.
"You are gonna pay for everything!" Lila squeals before barging away.
"Well, a thank you would have sufficed." Chat jokes.
"Haha, good one Chat."

"TIME TO DEVILIZE!" Grabbing the black and purple butterfly.
"Bye-bye little butterfly."
"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" I threw the cap into the sky and the miraclouses fix everything.
"Pound it, Chat Noir." I smile.
"Pound it, M'Lady."

"See you later, Kitty." I said, while looking at an angry Chloe.
"Will you be okay?" Chat asked. Touching my cheek.
Internal blush.
Oh! What! Uhm what was that?
"Yes, bye, Kitty."

I stare at Chloe for a good minute, trying to figure out what I could say...to apologize for so many things. At some points some of my own hatred came into action. But no one deserves to be ignored. Especially if they are as annoying as Chloe.

I sighed.

"Chloe...I am sorry I didn't tell you that I couldn't give you the Bee miraclous....I know, it was my mistake. But everyone knew your identity...it was dangerous for you and your family...I am sorry."
Honestly that was the best I could do.
"It's okay...my hatred for anyone doesn't make sense anymore. I hope you can understand. But I doubt I'll ever change."
"I hope you understand why I had to do it, Chloe. You made an amazing Queen Bee. Maybe you can show that to the rest of the world."
"Thanks. You can go now."

I sighed, a little defeated. And use my yo-yo to leave. But I'm caught with Chat Noir standing on the next building.
"Hey, Chat."
"Hey...I need to tell you something...and you might not like it."
"What is it?" I asked.
"I told someone about my identity. By mistake...I am sorry-"
"Can you trust him?" I asked.
"Then it's okay. I think it's a good thing to have someone talk about this. Someone else, I mean. It's okay, Chat. Thanks for telling me."
"I totally thought you'd get angry at me for it." He said, a little surprised.
"Nope, you're good."
"Oh...alright then. Bye-"
"Wait...I think I might have to tell you this after all. I think I know who ShadowMoth is."
"What? Who?"
"Gabriel Agreste."

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Hmmm...next chapter reveal do the Chat reaction.


See ya!

Please make sure to read EVERY CHAPTER!!!!

Thanks for reading!

Pound it M'Lady🐞
Pound it M'Kitty😻

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