Loving you endlessly but you live once

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Asheville Wimstone Pov

While I'm walking towards in my classroom that filled with stares at me... well in every single day that I step on this school they are staring at me and most of them are boys but I don't care that's why I always wear sunglasses and headset to avoid eye contact and their whispers, I really don't like about it... it pissed me of a lot.

One of the reasons why they don't want to be friends with me because they thought that I'm Perfect Woman that doesn't have any problems, a girl who has everything and I don't need to have a friend 'cause I can handle everything- yes, it's actually true, I don't need to have a friend or even acquaintance because I have everything yet I'm not perfect, I made a mistakes and i make another mistakes again.

I have a problems as well, that no one knows about it. I can handle everything but I'm not a robot that can carry a tons of things. I'm not a robot that ones I need to rest there is an exact time that you will know what time you should remove the things that inside the outlet and when I'm fully charge you'll use me again. I have emotions too- I can feel sadness, happiness, Love and so on within myself.

I'm not a God but a human being. Me as a human I need to solve my problems that i, myself know how to do it... it takes a lot of days, hardworks, and patience. Once I need to rest there is no specific time, days, months or even years 'cause after all I'm human. Once I need to rest it depends in myself where I should stand up again and do what it must be done.

But sometimes I feel like there's something wrong- should I say missing piece in the puzzle that I still keep on searching? Because if it is, where I can find that missing piece? What it looks like? Is it a human, things, place, animals or emotions? Why I can't easily find it? Is it one of a kind? I'm tired of seeking for that freaking piece, is it 1, 2 or even 3 piece in the puzzle? I'm the puzzle but I'm neither an investigator, detective, doctor nor a psychiatrist. Gosh...it really give me so much obstruction within me.


As I open the door where I should supposed to enter in, out of nowhere I suddenly could not move even a single step just because of what I've seen right now. The heck?!! Why is he here? What is he doing here? What is his name again? Why am I even care about his name if he gave me trauma when I was just a kid. I could not forget what had happened to me back then- he was drunk at that time so I knew he forgot what he did. I might have not know his name but still, I remember his face and voice. How am I supposed to escape from him?

"May I know your name Miss? what are you standing there? Aren't you a student? Are you lost? " I didn't answer his fucking question and went ahead to my sit ignoring him completely even though I heard him asking my name, at the end he ask one of my classmate here in our classroom.


I'm now Infront of my locker anticipating that there will be a tons of handwriting letters from any ashmen anonymous writer here in this school so I immediately grab the Plastic inside my bag then I open my locker and yes, I guess it correctly. I instantly put them in my plastic but then someone bump in to my shoulder that I accidentally let go the things I've been holding on.

"Dude, what's your problem? Look at it now, I accidentally bump into someone," he then rolled his eyes and give his friend a fuck you sign.

"I'm really sorry Miss, it really not my intention and it will never be my intention here, anyways I'll help you pick your..." I don't want to listen his fuckin' reason and he should help me with this small papers.

I quickly pick one by one those bother things. I just want to go home right away in the last session yet it really give me so much stress today- earlier and now. What an unlucky day of mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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