classified documentation signed off by ▆▆▆▆ ▆ ▆▆ and ▆▆▆▆ MURKOFF for immediate file of the IMMORTAL JEKYLL.
agender ▆▆ bigender. she he it prns. OVER40 , south american descent. narcissist in hiding. ▆▆▆ skilled assailant ——— approach at your own risk!
evaluation reads.. (___) subject: [MITCHELL R▆▆ JEKYLL] standing at 180.34cm (5’11) , white male , exhibits a need ——bordering addiction-— for instant stimulation. regular(¿) user of medical morphine . associates and partners questioned agree: “ JEKYLL IS A WILD CARD ON THE FIELD. SMILES SOMETIMES (...) ALMOST LIKE HE ENJOYS IT. ”
captian jekyll (lieutenant at date of incident) was the last survivor of * OPERATION ▆▆▆▆▆. after retrieved from the brink and recovering from a terminal state , jekyll became the “IMMORTAL” . a rumor for rookies who joined allied taskforces. a threat to enemy nations.
during a mandatory psyche evaluation jekyll expressed detest for the nickname. following taken from session (jekyll did not consent prior to sessions recording) “ IT’S A REMINDER I STILL LIVE —- I STILL LIVE AFTER ALL WHO DIED. MY FRIENDS WHO DIED.. ” extreme survivor’s guilt was later diagnosed , along with imposter syndrome. jekyll was observed to continue push himself into death defying missions against the will of his psychiatrist.
to note: psychiatrist later requested jekyll’s discharge from service. (to no response)