31 Day Challenge (Updated Regularly!)

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Above is a 31-Day Taylor Swift Song Challenge. I will give my answers every day for 31 days, probably enough until Speak Now TV!!! 🎸

1. Favourite Song
     Getaway Car (from reputation)! It's an incredible bop and is my daily jam! 🚗

2. Least Favourite Song

     Oof. I love all the songs. But if I had to pick, probably A Perfectly Good Heart (Debut). Listen, it's not the worst, but it's the one I tend to skip. Also, Debut is kinda my least fav album (But it is still incredible!).

3. (Sorry for the late entry) Song that made me a STAN

      There are actually two: Love Story (TV) and Mr. Perfectly Fine (Yeah I became a stan in the Fearless TV era. GOD WHY AM I SO LATE)! I was eating at Burger King when the songs played on the TV. And then when I got home I immediately listened to them again and I fell in love with T.S.'s music!

4. Song that makes me feel nostalgic

     Almost all 1989 singles (Blank Space especially). Remember singing this in the car and not knowing it was Taylor.

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