Chapter 1

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Y/n lived in obx with her brother and step dad Matt. she hangout with the pouges even tho she was a kook with her brother because they lived on figer 8. They lived there for a year until one day y/n disappeared.

It's been a year since y/n discovered and wasn't in contact with anyone. One day y/n came back and went home to her brother's friends house rafe camron. Y/n asked him if he could drop y/n off at Jon Bs house.

Rafe said yes and then y/n and rafe hoped in his car.

In the car
Rafe:hey if u need me call me or ur brother ok
Y/n:yes I will ok I'm sure things will go ok I think?

Y/n got out the car and said bye to rafe then started to walk towards the front door of Jon bs. As y/n was about to knock on the door it opens. It was Jon b about to leave then he realised who it was standing there

Jon b:omg y/n it's you
He hugs y/n
Jon b:how have u been,where have u been wait don't tell me the others are here u can tell us all together

When jon b was hugging y/n she had no words she was so happy he wasn't mad at her for leaving without telling him.Jon b and y/n walked out the back to the patty o where everyone else was.

Jon b walked out to the others

Jon b: guys look who is here
Y/n walked out the door to the others and they all stare at y/n

Y/n's mind
Do they hate me right now ooo i really hope not

Kie gets up and walks over to y/n
Kie:I hate u so fucking much
Kie hugs y/n
Kie:but I missed u so much

Y/n hugs kie back

Y/n I missed u so much to kie u look amazing as always

Pope stands up and goes up to y/n
Pope:it's nice to have u back y/n
Y/n:same it's so nice to be back and see you guy

Y/n looks at jj who was her boyfriend before she left. He looked mad and upset at the same time he didn't even say anything he just stood there until he just walked away.

Y/n:jj ! Where are u going ?
She y/n trend around to Jon b and he said
Jon b:he's just probably shocked that u back he doesn't know what to do just let him think for now ok

Y/n looked at the floor then said bye to the others and said she would see then tomorrow.

Y/n walked back to rafe's house because that's where she was staying for now.y/n walked into the kitchen where rafe was he noticed she looked a little bit sad so he look at her and asked

Rafe:hey so how was today seeing the others again?
Y/n: it's was good but it could of been better or worse
Rafe:well if u want ur brother is having a party tonight and I think it could get ur mind if some things
Y/n smiled then laughed
Y/n:my brother topper is having a party no way I thought he hated parties
Rafe:yeah he did but now he's all about them I guess
Y/n:wow who would think he would be the one to party hah anyways I'm going to take a nap then get ready later so see ye

Y/n walked up stares to the spare room where she was staying in and took a nap before the party

At jon b's house
Jj came back to jon bs and he was sitting on the couch jon b walked out of his room and sat next to him
Jon b:Jj why did you walk away from y/n today she finally came back and you just walked away why?
Jj:she left us without telling anyone for a year and she just shows back up like that without telling us,but I'm just done with her she left and didn't even talk to me
Jon b:there was probably a reason Wh..
Jj intruded Jon b when he was talking
Kk:I don't want to talk about her anymore I'm done ok!

Jj walked away and went to his room for until the pouges had to go out

At the party
Rafe and y/n where chilling and having fun.then topper walks over to y/n.
Topper:hey y/n how have u been have u prest charges on them yet

Y/n looks at topper
Y/n:hey big bro and I'm ok also no I haven't I don't want to ok there no need.
Y/n:also I want to talk to Jj but I didn't get to

Y/n looks at the floor then looks back at the brother.topper smiles and says

Topper:well he's coming to the party tonight so you can talk to him then
Y/n was shocked
Y/n:wait when has pouges come to kook party s
Topper:well ever since Jon b has been dating Sarah they all just come along with her I guess
Y/n:wait so what happened between you and Sarah then I thought you were going out
Topper:nah there been a lot that has changed since you where here
Y/n:I noticed

Later that night all the pouges and Sarah arrived and we're having a good time until kie seen something

Kie:omg guys look

Jon b turns around and see you Dancing and laughing with topper and rafe and some of there other friends

Jon b:Jj u need to see this

As Jj turns around to see what Jon b was talking about he see y/n and she see him.Jj starts to walk away from the party and then y/n runs after him

Y/n:jj wait please let me talk to yo...
Kk didn't let her finish her sentence
Jj:no I'm nothing going to listen to ur little bum story ik what u have been doing this passed year now
Y/n:what...what or where do u think I have been this year then jj
Jj:you been sleeping with that bum kook and living u rich ass life you have always fucking wanted, you know ur a real slut y/n and I never want to talk to you again.

Jj walked away and y/n stood there with tires in her eyes about to cry until rafe and topper walk over
Topper:hey are you ok did you get to talk to him about everything that happened
Y/n: no I fucking did ok just leave me alone ok I'm got back to rafes have fun

Y/n walks of back to rafes because she didn't want to be at the party anymore after what Jj said to her

With rafe and topper
Rafe:he needs to know I'm going to have a talk with them you coming

Topper looks at rafe

Topper:let's go

Topper and rafe get on there motet bikes and ride to Jon bs house tk go talk to Jj and the others

At Jon bs house

The pouges where sitting around the fire then kie hears a sound

Kie:do u guys hear that I think someone is here
Jj:but who would it be tho

Rafe and topper walk around the corner to where the pouges were. They all stand up out of there chairs

Jj:what the fuck are you doing here anti you meant to be with little miss y/n

Topper walks over to jj

Topper:jj you real want to know the truth why y/n lefted
Jj:ye why not but I think I already know.....

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