Chapter 1

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                                                              ~3rd Person~

The road turned a few more times, still bumping, and outside the window the sun was beating down. Other than the heat, Florida Miami had a very stunning landscape. The trees swayed, and there were small forests that Opal pasted by .They were driving along a dirt road, the hills and pine trees surrounded it he was in a bright yellow Miami taxi, numbered 136. Opal had natural white hair with a strand of light blue, and hazel eyes. He was wearing a dark grey jacket and  black pants. He was born in Finland in 2005, and he is now 18 years old. Opal had came from Orlando to Miami to join troop 232, he had just graduated from the fire academy last month.

Just then the car quickly came to a stop because another car was crossing. The tires shrieked, kicking up dust. "Sorry" said the man in the driver seat, which Opal guessed he was probably in his 40s. Opal waved it off but that reminded him of another "incident" that happened a few years ago. 

The year was 2012 and Opal was 7 years old, it was was raining out, but nobody seemed to care. He was in the back of the family SUV, he didn't even know where they were going. His mom quickly stopped and pulled in somewhere and then backed out. "Give me the wheel" his dad said "NO!" And this started up one of their countless arguments, they always ended in a tie. Opal usually tried to tune it out so he just thought of the rain or tried to distract himself from the argument.

 They used words Opal didn't know because of his young age but he soon found out. Opal tried to tune out argument but this time the couldn't, this argument was the worst one out of the thousands of arguments he had heard. Opal looked out the front window in the car and saw a horror. While his parents were arguing the car was going straight for a tree. Every thing went slow motion and impact hit, the  tree went into the car and everything went black.

Opal didn't remember that much more, he remembered waking upon a hospital and finding a nurse looking at him. When he asked for his parents the nurse looked at him sadly and shook her head. He had understood and started to cry. The next day the nurse had told him some more heart breaking news he would not be able to yell or talk loudly the car crash had broken one of his vocal cords.

That brought him back tho the real world. He checked his watch and realized that there was 1 minute until he would meet his new crew. And soon that one minute was gone. Opal handed the driver the money and muttered thanks. He looked at his new station, it was a big house with reddish brown bricks. There were two firetrucks parked outside of the station. There was also a blue medical van next to the firetrucks. When Opal slowly walked into the station, he saw one girl and one boy talking, and when the boy realized Opal, he jumped down from the ledge that he had been sitting on.

"Hello" the boy said while smiling, he had brown hair, medium long cut and blue eyes. He was wearing a blue t shirt that looked like it was probably from the brand Salt Life, he was also wearing grey athletic pants. Opal smiled and waved saying a small "hi." The boy smiled " I'm Jayden Ramos" he said, Opal guessed he was 18 too. "Opal Skyler" Opal said in a talking voice. The girl hopped down too, she was around 19 she had blonde hair and emerald eyes she was wearing a white t shirt and jean shorts. "I'm Dawn Smith" she said, Opal looked at both of them " is this everyone?" Opal asked. "We aren't really sure ourselves" said Jayden "we are new too" added Dawn. "Is everyone new?" asked Jaden " we will just have to wait and see" Opal answered.

About ten minutes later while Opal was talking with Dawn and Jaden two more boys showed up. One boy had black and amber eyes, he was wearing a dark blue t shirt and some dark grey pants, he was around 18. The other boy was around 20 and he had red hair and brownish eyes, he was wearing a real firefighter suit! They were followed by a girl that came in running. She had her black hair in a bun and had blue eyes, she was wearing light blue shirt and black athletic pants. They all did their greetings again and the boy that had black hair was named Dominic Wilson and the boy that had red hair was Alex Miller the girl that ran in was Alivia Lopez. " I'm your captain" said Alex.

Everyone turned to him "I got proof" said Alex he reached into his pack and pulled out firefighter        suits. He then gave everyone their suits, " change quick our shift starts in 10 minutes" said Alex, and after 10 minuets everyone came out. 

30 minitues later there was no call "todays a slow work day!" yelled Alex from across the room. RING RING RING RING RING

Thank you for reading sorry that the ending was a little rushed. 

895 words, I will try to make them around 600-1000

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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