3 Oh My God

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Back at the firehouse she was helping Hen set the table as Bobby cooked and Chimney talked about his new girlfriend.

"She is so awesome I met her on this website for cops and firefighter romancing the uniform.com. She is an adrenaline junkie so I always tell her about running into fires and jumping into lakes." Chimney gushed.

"Remind me when was the last time you ran or jumped over/into anything" Hen said.

"I embellish a little" he replied with a grin.

"Oh noted" Hen said probably trying to laugh.

"I'm telling you the uniform is a major aphrodisiac" Chim said. Alex just rolled her eyes and then wondered if she could roll her eyes any farther into her head because from how she sounded this girl is not all that great. Honestly she didn't want to

"Clearly" Hen said as Buck pulled into the firehouse again.

"Oh my god" Alex muttered as Buck and Bobby got into it. She was so done so she just started eating with the rest of the team.

As she did so she heard Buck say "see the fire put out the fire the rest is just blah blah". Here we go again she thought that is what all the white boy macho tough guys think like what if they had a call and someone died because he was irresponsible. How am I supposed to survive working with this idiot she thought.

"Maybe you should stop going easy on him" Chim said.

"He just needs a little direction" Bobby replied.

"I'll tell you that when he gets someone killed" she said in the most polite tone she could muster. Not even two seconds later the bell rang and she saw Chimney stuff an entire meatball in his mouth as she ran downstairs.


As they got to the apartment she heard buck tell Bobby "I'll race ya".

"Race yourself Rambo I'm 50 years old I'm taking the elevator" he replied.

"Who's Rambo" Buck said and she almost burst out laughing from how stupid this guy is like yikes. She made her way to the elevator and clicked the up button so it would be waiting for them once they all got inside.

Soon they were standing in this guys bathroom as they waited to see if they could actually hear a baby crying. "I don't hear anything" Cap said as he walked back out.

"I'm telling you I heard a baby crying. Someone flushed a baby down the toilet." He insisted as Hen was holding a bottle of drugs and she instinctively stepped a little farther back from where she and hen were standing. "I'm not high" he said and she raised an eyebrow "Ok  I'm pretty high but its a sativa. you know it makes you happy it doesn't make you hallucinate" he finished.

"Could've been a cat, rats sometimes are in the walls and cats get stuck in there looking for the" Chim said as Bobby shushed him.

"did you hear that" Bobby said. I think so she thought.

They all walked in the bathroom and Bobby asked for a stethoscope which she quickly grabbed and gave him from her paramedic bag. Slowly he pressed it against the wall and knocked marking a X on the wall. " we have to open up this wall" Cap said.

"No we are being plunked right spicolli its a tape recorder or something" Chim said staring the guy down.

"What if he's right what if a mom gives birth on the toilet and flushes it" Alex proposed.

"First of all that is awful also don't you know how plumbing works there is a piece of serpentine pipe that takes" Chimney started as he was cut off by Hen saying "She might be right is this a premature baby its bones could bend and compress like sponges."

Fire with Fire // 9-1-1-Evan "Buck" Buckley (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now