Nemuri's Memories!

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    Nemuri Kayama also known as the pro hero Midnight is laying in bed wide awake after the shitty experience of dealing with the Yaoyorozu family. As well as an argument with Shota. She held great pride in the Midoriya mother and son. Not only for Izuku defending Momo from her parents ignorance and hate. But for Inko without a second thought gladly adopting Momo and showing her the motherly love she never had before. More and more the cinnamon roll of 1A reminds her of that guy. Who praytell is he reminding her of? Quite simple. Her quirkless brother who died many years ago while she was attending her second year in UA.

    Few of her fellow students in UA ever knew her brother was quirkless. Only her closest friends. He died shortly after his final year of Middle School. Shin Kayama was strong and incredibly valiant. His heroic nature helped her find her own. Yet no one believed in Shin except her and her friends. No adults not even their own parents. No heroes, no classmates, no teachers absolutely no one except her, Oboro, Shota, and Hizashi. Like Izuku he was in hell. It wasn't so bad when he and Nemuri attended the same school. But being older than him she wasn't able to prevent the bullying and harassment he faced in school when she got into UA.

    The worst of it came the day she tried to save him from himself. The worst failure of her life. One she swore to never let happen ever again. It's why she was so angry at the way Shota treated Izuku. She held her tongue for as long as she can and yet after the Sports Festival she could hold it no more. "Damn you Shota! Damn you and your so called logic!" She growls as she tosses and turns in her bed. She hates letting her anger get the better of her. Every time it hapens she gets lost in memories of Shin and the day she failed her amazing brother.

    Shin wanted to be a hero more than anyone she ever met until the day she met Izuku Midoriya. His sheer willpower alone could inspire anyone to be a better hero. Yet what she couldn't understand was how he had any willpower to be a hero after his horrible life. "Please Shin. Help me understand. Help me ensure this boy gets to become the hero his indomnitable will desires him to be." She said as tears begin to spill. Her mind wanders back to the last day she ever saw Shin alive.


    She had just finished training and was wanting to spend time with Shin. Yet she couldn't find him anywhere. He had disappeared which confused her as he was not the type to leave without notifying her. Immediately she messaged Shota and Oboro asking if they had seen him. But neither had. She wasn't gonna message Hizashi as he lived in a different prefecture. Getting worried as she didn't know how long he had been gone she changed and went looking around the neighborhood in search of him.

     No matter where she looked in the neighborhood she was unable to find him. She told her friends and asked for their help in searching for him. Oboro asks if she had searched his school. Nemuri blinked a bit after reading the message. "Why the hell would he be there? There's no school today." She said aloud before shrugging and rushing off to see if she could find him there. She heads inside through a door she showed Shin that the janitor never locked. She went through each and every classroom and the offices but never found him. Getting ready to just give up she decides to check the roof then if he's not there she'll head back home.

    She runs up the stairs and reaches the door to the roof. She runs and pushes the door open and her heart stops cold. Shin was standing on the wrong side of the railing. "Shin what are you doing!!" She shrieks and tries to run to him. "STOP NEMURI!" he booms back to her. She freezes in place and sees him tearing up. "Why? What's going on Shin?!" She shouts to him as he shakes his head. "I can't take it anymore Nemuri! I'm so tired. Tired of having to try and be strong. Tired of being abused and bullied! I'm tired of trying to fulfill a dream that makes everyone attack me and hurt me for something I had no control over!" He yells as she watches his body tremble with a mix of rage and fear.

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