Chapter 1

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(AUTHOR HEREE. Ive edited this story so its split better and makes more sense :3 )

It's mid-fall, the leaves are already turning to the colors of flames and falling to the ground, crunching under your step. You've grown to know the village and its people, it was
where you were raised.

You heard many rumors of demons along with demon slayers to eradicate them. They haven't been doing such a good job in your area, people keep disappearing, mostly men. You thought of attempting to contact the demon slayers but you have no idea how. And one day you decide to handle it yourself.

You start to practice how to use a katana with the guidance of your father. You only told him that you wanted to learn to protect yourself, and he was willing to teach you in fear that his only daughter would go missing. You started so terribly, not even being able to take a normal swing, but you improved over a few weeks. When you finished the basic skills, you thanked your father for the help, and he returned it with a smile.

That night that you finished with your final training session, you snuck out since your parents would get mad at you. You roamed the streets, some lamps lit up, trying to keep the demons away. Your town has been very paranoid recently, no one goes out at night except the drunk men at the bars, thinking they can handle themselves.

After walking around for what seemed like hours with only the moonlight helping you see, you got to the edge of the village, the side that leads to the mountains. You've heard about a temple up ahead, with a small subtle trail leading to it. That would be the last place you checked, then you would go back home and try again tomorrow.

You looked for the trail and found it when out of the corner of your eye, you see something dart by. You turn immediately, your body's response to danger. You stood still for a split second, your body froze in fear and your mind went blank, unable to think. Your thought process reacted first, and you knew you had to chase after whatever that was. Your run towards it and realize it went into the woods.

You start to follow, not caring if your yukata ripped or got dirty. You stumble a few steps every so often but finally came to a clearing. Up ahead of you was the temple you were headed to. It was small, deserted. None of the lamps were lit, they were swinging but with no wind. You took out your blade, holding it up in front of you, prepared for an attack. You look around, quiet enough that you could hear the movement of your torn yukata. You see some steps leading downwards, assuming that's where the trail stops. You walk towards the temple, creeping slowly towards the entrance. You were scared, terrified, but full of adrenaline. Although your senses were doubting you, you knew something was there.

"You're no demon slayer. Am I right?" You heard a voice behind you and swung as soon as you turned.

"Easy now, you'll only get yourself disappointed" A few feet ahead of you stood a man. He didn't look like an ordinary human, his skin was pale, ivory. Blue lines where his body was exposed, his face, neck, arms, and body. He had pink colored hair that was bright even in the dark, matching his eyelashes that surrounded his blue and yellow eyes that seemed to be glowing, reading the words "Upper-Rank Three". His feet showed with pink colored beads, matching his hair, placed around his ankles. A sleeveless cropped haori and baggy white pants that covered his skin.

You had to say something, and attempted to sound as confident as possible, showing no emotion besides bravery. "You're right, I'm not, but I can still take you down," your voice quivered in fear towards the ends, and your facade broke. You were so confident then, but it all slipped away, drained from your body.

"Sorry, that katana won't do you any good," he pointed at your sword and then disappeared. He whispered in your ear from behind, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

It Started at the Temple {Akaza x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now