The ambition

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Author's Pov:
A pleasant morning in the nowhere of a country. The Sun shone brighter than everyday, the birds chirped their songs together.
It's was a time of mid summer season where the schools are off and children are free from their daily school things. The time children enjoy their vacations to the fullest.
A beautiful girl was sleeping in her room peacefully when suddenly her phone buzzed and a loud voice could be heard echoing around her room...


Her alarm buzzed loudly disturbing her beautiful sleep. She groaned loudly before snoozing off her phone turning off the loud noise. She lazily got her phone in her hands and saw the lock screen which indicated
7.30 am in the morning.

Her eyes shot open seeing the time. She got up harshly and got down her bed. But fell down real quick the second she lift her leg to off the bed.


She groaned and massaged her butt, fake crying "Aish! ahh my beautiful butt I got you hurt! Omo! My school! I'm gonna get late! Dashi run run!!!"
She took her things and was about to rush towards the bathroom when someone suddenly entered her room.

It's was her Mother." Yaah Y/N why the hell are you making so much sound in this early morning huhh? " Her mom shouted a little.
"Wth mom, don't you know the time yet? It's 7.45am and my school starts on 8.00am I am getting late! Now bye and let me be ready quickly! Just please prepare my breakkie mom"
Her mom listens to her words and after she finished her mom started laughing. Y/N got confused of her mother's behaviour and asked being annoyed "Mom now why are you laughing? Did I just joke or what!?"

Her mother shake her head in disbelief and sighed sharply. " So, you're not joking? Then I guess you've lost your mind because your high school has been completed a week ago and currently you're doing nothing but spending your vacation! " Her mother said.

Y/N's eyes snapped realizing what her mother just said was correct and felt embarrassed about was she doing a few minutes ago. She laughed nervously to her mother who was glaring at her. " Aish it's so stupid of me... I guess...Sorry for my mistake mom... I am still not fully habituated to being at home after my graduation. I just forget it sometimes. Hehe! "
Her mother chuckled at her clumsiness and ruffled her hair.
"It's okay. Now quickly come downstairs the breakfast is going to be ready. Your dad is also awake now. " Her mother said.
"OKAY!" The girl replied quickly and rushed to the bathroom for her morning routine.

After her daily routine and breakfast she came back in her room and jumped on her bed grabbing her phone and started surfing through the internet to search for good university for her studies ahead. She saw many university but didn't found any of them that good because it all costed a lot of amount for their fees which was not okay for her as she belonged to a middle class family.

She signed in, a website that could search for her some good opportunity on the basis of her scholarship. Since she was from middle class family, paying for high fees wasn't easy for her so she started to look for her university on her scholarship marks.


"And done. I did every process and now I just gotta wait for their call outs~ I hope I find the best."
She said sighing heavily.

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I know this is a bit short one and seems incomplete, but this was my first so I guess I'll do it slowly with my time.
And also sorry if there's any mistakes in this ff.

Let's see what happens next!
Stay tuned for part 2 and the rest!
Till then Bye~


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