Damn social media

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Hello! Here we are with a new one-shot based on the picture you'll see throughout the story. It got sent to me (thank you for that, love) with the request to make a short story out of it, so here we are and I hope you like it. x

Harry Styles was a well-known name in the athletics scene in northern England. Since he was six he was doing the sports with various disciplines such as relay, hurdles, long throw, long jump, high jump and many more. He started off with running disciplines, he always loved to feel the wind in his hair and being one of the fastest of his year at every competition with a bright future ahead, but due to unforeseeable events he eventually changed his focus to high jump. He was working out almost every day when his schedule allowed him to and it payed off. He made a good amount of money with it, but he didn't do it because of that, no. He just loved sports, it gave him freedom and peace when he could clear his mind after a stressful day.

His main job was working as an editor for a sports magazine which he loved if there wouldn't be one specific person who constantly got on his nerves and made his working days one single nightmare. He's been his co-worker for a little over a year now and Harry despised him, not only because he was his nemesis for so many reasons. He also despised him because of his stupid looks, his stupid name, his horrible jokes and the fact that despite wanting him to burn alive there was a tiny part of him that was drawn to him- and that made him hate him even more.

Today was one of those days Harry just wanted to hide in his bed and do nothing but listen to the pattering rain outside. He loved rainy weather, more so because when he got home in his one bedroom apartment he adored so much he could take a hot bubble bath without having to feel bad and that's exactly what he did as soon as he stepped into his secure four walls.

As soon as he was sitting in the tub a peaceful calm overcame him and he sighed contently just enjoying the quiet, listening to the bubbles sizzling and popping, his nostrils filled with the heavenly smell of hibiscus and pomegranate.

He couldn't enjoy the silence for long when his phone buzzed incessantly and eventually he grabbed it and suppressed an eyeroll. Because of his success and popularity his Twitter and Instagram accounts were overflowing with messages and new followers daily, by now he had over seventy thousand followers and it only increased. He really needed to turn the notifications off. He quickly looked through his new messages to see if he received anything interesting, but most messages were from strangers who wanted to get to know him.

Then an idea hit him.

"This is gonna be interesting." He mumbled to himself as he opened his stories and created a Q&A so his followers could ask him anything. He has seen this with many people, sometimes even celebrities did that and he was sure it could be really fun.

However, he didn't think he would get that many questions and when the water surrounding him turned cold he had answered over two dozen messages and he wasn't even close to reply to everyone- that simply wasn't possible.

"One more question." He muttered and scrolled through them to see which one he was going to answer and almost choked on his spit when he saw a particular one. His phone slipped out of his hand and fell into the tub and Harry jumped. "Shit!" He hasted out and searched for it pulling it out and holding it up in the air with two fingers. "Great." He huffed and stepped out, placing the phone on a towel so it could dry. He was glad it was waterproof and it wouldn't cause it any damage, not being keen on setting up a new phone and possibly losing any data.

"What the fuck is wrong with people?" He asked himself with a shake of his head as he unlocked his phone and the question was still there. Then he saw who sent it and his face changed into pure disgust. "You gross fucker." He gagged and typed in a quick reply with a shudder.

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