Head Over Heels

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I always see him. In the bus reading. At the school grounds reading. At the park reading. At the halls reading. At Class reading. Even more at the Library.

Am I a Stalker??

Wait no...I don't follow him around. I just happen to see him everyday... coincidentally I guess...but I got used to it by now.

I'm always curious about him. He's so quiet! Is he smart? I mean he reads books, alot. So I guess...? He's usually alone sometimes...wait no he's really alone! Everytime!!! I always wonder does he even have friends?

Me and him are so diverse with each other.

I'm loud. He's quiet. I'm an extrovert. He's a introvert. I have tons of friends. He's got none. Wait I'm so mean what the hail?? But still. I have no interest of books. But he has. I play Sports. While he reads. I'm quite musclar. Actually....but yeah...I am! But I ask...does this guy go to the gym or sum?? He looks a lil fit I guess.

He's a classmate of mine. It's so weird actually... we've both been classmates since kindergarten! My mom and his mom Don't even know each other! Nor does he knows me! Well I mean I know him but he doesn't to me...damn...

Today at Class the teacher gave us a task to pair up with anybody. For the upcoming project. I was gonna pair with my brother's but nah. Their fine without me. I mean.... we're all dumb! ToT how are we gonna  survive!?.

So me being the most kindest person in ZAWORLDO came up to him. Ya HIM. I wanted to pair up with him since. I never actually could. Since we were elementary. So took the opportunity. Maybe he might help me with my downfall grades.

Suprisingly I wonder why many people won't wanna be partners with him. Maybe because he doesn't interact with others???
So slowly walked up to him. He's reading as usual. As examined his face. Or maybe hair? The guys got super duper long hair. For a guy. He's hair was wavy. With the nicest shade of brown. I could tell his hair was on shoulder level. His looked so damn well kept. What's his hair routine??

Next up his fashion sense. And I could say this guy is casual. He doesn't wear flashy thrifted clothes. He just wore a long puffy sleeve turtleneck khaki sweather , with a white collar. His pants or well slacks were in the darker shade of his hair. And his socks were white. And his shoes were so damn shiny. And the book he was reading was black. And the pages were kind of old paper colour you know??

I flinched when he moved. It seemed he noticed my unwanted presence. I quickly dust my clothes to see if I looked in kept to him. I even quickly comb my hair.  Then he looked at me. And damn.... He's so handsome.

I was stared at the most beautiful hazelnut eyes. His long nose. His hard cheekbones.

I blushed. WHY DON'T THIS GUY GET GIRLS???? IMPOSSIBLE! WEIRD! HES SO GORGEOUS! I'D BE JEALOUS IF A GIRL GETS HIM! ITS A CRIME! IT'S STILL A CRIME WHY THIS GUY DOESN'T GET GIRLS! Oh I pray I would turn myself into a Girl just to be with this guy damn! He's Hella gorgeous!




"Hey whatsupp" I answered.

I'm an idiot...

Then he gestured me to sit next to him. And damn up close...he's so really muscular...maybe this guy does go to the gym! He's got even bigger muscles than me! He might actually lift me up with no effort! Ohhh how I wish....


"Hey.....um..." What's his name again?? Wait. He actually knows me?? How??? Oh my....I'm gonna faint...

I slapped my face. I'm such an idiot. How do I survive  high school with this brain... As I was having a mental breakdown. This guy just giggled. Oh I wish to hear it everyday!

"It's Alexander , Frankie. Don't tell me you forgot..?" He smirked at me.

Dammit....if gorgeousness could kill I'd be dead already...

"O-oh hahah....yeah...I must've forgot....hey...Alexander..."

"Don't call me Alexander. We've known each other for years! Just call me Alex!" He smiles.

I just can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach. I blushed and smiled.

"Oh okay! Alex!" Alex laugh. He's voice was so deep. Even deeper than the ocean or the earth's crust , mantle , outer core and inner core.... He sound so sexy...

"So. How are we gonna do the project? " Alex asked me. He rested his right cheek on his fist. As the sun shines upon him.

"I wasn't listening...."

Then Alex burst laughing.

"W-what!? HAHAHAHA Your such an idiot! HAHAHAHA"
I slowly laugh. This guy is so majestic.... DAMMIT. I awkwardly laugh. I' mean I'm his idiot now hahaha...


"N-no it's fine! Ahhhh...." He gave himself a time to rest from his out burst of laugh. Then he looked at me.

"Well...we got 1 month of writing an Autobiography about whose life were gonna have to focus on.... Im quite boring so maybe your  isn't right? Maybe we could write something about it? You good?"

"Yeah...." I was captivated by this man's beauty. He's so gorgeous!

"Alright! How about your place? You have an apartment?"

"Yeah.....i do..."

"Good! Then we'll start our biography at your place then!"


Then the bell rang.

"Oops. Guess it's time to eat...! Wanna eat lunch together?"

T-to-toge-together..? HECK YEAH!

"SURE! Say what do you wanna eat? It's all on me!"Alex looked surprised and then scoff.

"Yeah sure...But you better but the stuff I want? Okay? Deal?"

"Yes yes yes yes yes!!!"I nod my head aggressively.

"Well let's go?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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