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ten groans as he heard the alarm went on, his hands flew around until he finally found his phone and forced his eyes to open to see the time.

9:00 am.

and yes, he's already late for his first period, he sighed. he stared at the white ceiling of his room and then to his slightly opened curtain, with a bit of sunrays peaking through. he yawned.

he got up, wore his slippers and went to the bathroom without even organizing his bed.

he stared at himself in the mirror, he's messed up. his make up is still on but his mascarra and eye liner has already dripped and all over his face because of his tears from last night. he then lazily washed his face until it was already clean, brushed his teeth and took a bath.

after a few minutes of shower, he put on his simple shite shirt paired with baggy denim pants and white shoes, took his bag with him and went downstairs to meet his mom sitting on the couch, watching her favorite morning show about single moms.

"i'm going to school" ten said walking pass through his mom, but when he's just about to open the door, his mom threw a pillow on him. "mom!" ten yelled and looked at his mom.

"jusy to knock some cells of yours and wake them up to the truth that he'll never comeback, so stop being stupid partying every night, ruining your kidney, fucking different boys, and not attending every first period of your class!" his mom said and walked slowly towards him before giving him a tight hug.

"i love you, mom, but it still hurts" ten said as he let go of their hug.

"i love you too, sweety" his mom caressed his cheek as she was talking and then suddenly pulled ten's ear so hard making the boy hiss in pain. "but when are you going to stop this bullshit?! i support you but not your coping mechanism! and your dad is probably happy is heaven now!"

"aw! aw! aw! ok! fine! i'll stop!" ten replied "but not now! bye!" then he quickly opened the door and ran away before his mom could catch up.

ten stopped running and started to walk slowly, he took his earphones from his bag, plugged it in his phone while having this thought "why is everyone obssesed with airpods? earphones are still top tier and way cooler" then he played the song strawberries and cigarettes by troye sivan.

he hummed as he stared at the blue sky, green trees, cars, people walking in and out of buldings, he stopped when a familiar red car that stopped in front of a flower shop with a familar tall and handsome man that went out of the car.

...strawberries and cigarettes always tastes like you...

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