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The one i'll choose is... Mobeom"

Mina's words continue to echo in Momo's head.

She's really just being playful. I'm pretty sure about that.

She isn't.

Momo made her way down the hallway, walking with her mind racing with seemingly endless thoughts about how their shoot went. Once she reached her changing room, she breathe out a sigh.

Damn it, let it go, Momo. It means absolutely nothing. Why are you bothered by it, anyways?

Right. Why was she bothered about it, anyways? It wasn't like it was a real dating thing. They simply had to film an episode for their fans, choose one of the members to 'date', and just get it over with.

And besides, it's not like I have a crush on Mina.

She does.

Okay, maybe I do find her a bit attractive. But what's wrong about that, right? She's my friend and it's completely normal to find her friend attractive.

It's not.

And besides, last time I checked, i'm straight as an arrow.

Is she really?

Momo stared on her reflection, thinking about different things when she suddenly heard a knock on her door.

"Come in", she said.

The door opened revealing a bare faced Mina wearing her usual sweatpants. Momo couldn't help but admire her friend's beauty even without her make up on. Especially without her make up on.

Damn it, she's really pretty.

"Hey." Mina whispered quietly, smiling shyly at her. Momo couldn't help but find Mina's shyness a bit cute.

Right. Straight as an arrow.

She breathed out to compose herself and control her thoughts. "Hey, what's up?", Momo asked, trying to sound cool.

Why am I trying to act cool?

"Not much, really. Just checking on you. I heard you were one of the last ones out so I just wanted to check on you." Mina answered, finally letting herself in, and heading straight towards the stool beside Momo. "You're still wearing make-up," Mina pointed out as she sat directly next to Momo.

Momo shrugged, still trying to act cool and stated to fumble with the things on her table, "Oh, I was just about to start taking them off."

She really wasn't.

Mina sat comfortably next to her. She looked at Momo's reflection on the mirror, "do you want me to help you remove them?", she asked politely.

Momo wanted to say no. She really did. Because really, she can only take so much for a day. However, it's as if her lips had a mind of its own, she muttered, "sure."

Damn it, Momo.

Mina smiled at her. Without wasting another second, she grabbed the things she needed and sat in front of Momo.

Momo unconciously held her breath. Mina started removing Momo's make up with a damp napkin; however, Mina's face was really close, and Momo couldn't really focus on anything else.  Just like her lips having its own mind, her eyes automatically scanned Mina's face.

Okay, Momo, breathe. In. Out. In. Out.

Up close, Mina's face looked really perfect. Her eyebrows, her nose, her cheeks looked flawless. Mina's eyes were so focused with Momo's face, and Momo could not help but admire those beautiful brown orbs. Momo wondered how someone could be that beautiful.

Soulmate | Mina x Momo PairingWhere stories live. Discover now