The call out

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Y/N's Pov:

Next day:
"Hahh~ good morning my lovely self~ " I said to myself yawning lazily as I woke up from my beautiful sleep. It was a tiring night yesterday... Surfing through almost every website that showed up on my search bar. If I wanted , I could have told my parents to look for my university, but it's just I don't want them to take stress because of me and stay up at nights just like I did yesterday just for me...

I got down from my bed lazily still not wanting to move my body out my bed. " I want to sleep more!" I said to myself, still half eyes closed. But still I got inside the bathroom walking like a zombie.

After my morning routine was done, I went downstairs to meet my family at the dining for breakfast. "Good morning mom! Good morning dad! Good morning bro!" I said to everyone smiling gently while sitting on my chair in front my dad.
"Good morning princess. How was your sleep?" My dad asked replying me back with a smile. "How can it be good when she stayed up all night staying on her laptop" My mom replied quickly before I opened my mouth.

"What! What is this Y/N, I told you to rest and not take stress about your university admissions, didn't I ? Then too you just did it on your own. Why huhh?" My dad asked being concerned. I smiled at him assuring him that it's okay for me. "Dad! Relax please, it's nothing for me. I can do this for myself, plus these things are for myself right. And you know that I don't want you all to be worried for me and not get enough sleep like me just searching for my betterments. Don't worry dad I'm alright with it~" I said .
He sighed in defeat. He nodded his head in agreement making my smile wider. I pecked on his cheeks before heading back to my room after my breakfast.

I came to my room and plopped on my bed. I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through it.
After some minutes a notification plopped on my screen catching my attention towards it.

' The Saebom University South Korea, Invites You At Our Campus To Study With Us In This Academic Year. ' Touch the link below to know more...

I hesitated at first but opened the link finally. As I open it the information about this University showed up indicating the link was true. It say that my scholarship marks had been approved by them and they had also viewed my profile. They want to confirm my admission process. " Mom! Dad! I got my university finally! They are calling me to their university! Yeyy!!" I shouted in happiness and excitement calling my family up in my room.
They came up almost running hearing to my shouting. " Saebom University want me to take admission in their university. They saw my profile and scholarship marks and agreed to it!!" I squeal in happiness to which my parents replied being happy as well. They all agreed to my admission there as I informed them about everything in details. I even told them where the university was actually. They disagreed at first but said yes later for my happiness.
So I am finally going to study abroad and that too in my favourite country. I am really happy right now. Finally my dream came true. Now let's see how this going to work. I hope I make good friends there and the teachers there be good as well. I wish I don't get into any kind of troubles there. I hope for everything good~

With that I finally slept peacefully yet thinking about the university too. A smile never left my face that whole day~

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Let's see what happens next!
Stay tuned for part 3
Till then Bye~


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