Chapter 1: The Beginning (rewritten)

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Ok, so I have rewritten chapters 1 & 2, combining them. This means I am making all the other chapters -1, it'll be confusing for a bit and also offset all the other posts I've made when I published each chapter, but I don't really care about that.

I've also made a bunch of other small edits to some of the chapters, mostly to the author's notes that I had in them.

Thanks to Withster_05 and DarkenedLight01 for helping find the courage I needed to start this story.

• • • • • POV of ???

I awoke in a forest, alone, among these massive, green and brown behemoths, atleast, they seemed that way to me.

Where am I? ...What am I?

I wandered around aimlessly. I didn't know what else to do, so I'd decided to explore my surroundings.

I found a pond and looked at my reflection, looking at myself I found a long fluffy tail, a pair of wings on my upper back near my shoulders, dexterous, hand-like forepaws, strong legs built for taking the force of a high-speed landing and hindpaws made for running. My head was shaped similarly to a cat's... what was a cat? With two large, fox-like ears which I flicked around a bit, a small nose, a barely visible mouth, a large oval tiger's eye gemstone in the middle of my forehead which had a constantly changing pattern, and my eyes, golden irises with a dark, void of black in the center, the same color as the rest of my fur that wasn't the tips of my ears or a few patterns along my body, tail, and wings, which were bright yellow.

I shivered a little, since I'd felt a strange feeling come over me when I saw my eyes in that pond.

It was a strange, complex feeling which I didn't understand, but I didn't understand much of anything though, so that wasn't surprising.

I tried flying and quickly got into the air with my surprisingly efficient wings.

With the wind blowing through my fur... I felt... I felt... alive?

I flew next to an apple, picked it from the tree, and took a bite from it. I quite liked how sweet it was, even if it was a bit tart.

After I finished my apple, I sat down next to the tree.

I sat there, thinking about the very few things I'd experienced, why had looking at my eyes felt weird? Was it because they looked so... empty?

I continued to think...

Just... think...

I was still confused about many things, like how I knew what an apple was.


I didn't know... much of anything did I?

Maybe if I continued exploring I would... remember? Discover? What some other things were.

I picked a tiny spiky red berry from a bush and ate it while I thought.

It had barely any taste, and was very spicy, a bit too spicy, a bit painfully spicy.

I had a feeling that it shouldn't have been so spicy and tasteless.

The spiciness was distracting me from my thoughts. I tried to wait for the feeling to dissipate but it didn't, so I picked a hard, light blue berry from a different bush, hoping it would cover up or dampen the spiciness. When I bit into it, it was slightly bitter, and although I really hated the taste, it did help cool down my mouth and remove the overwhelming spiciness from my tongue.

I started to think again, slightly annoyed at myself for getting sidetracked.



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