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dashing through the streets princess holly was on the way to her friends house

to meet her two friends sylvia and lucky clover at lc's house to tell them something. "oh hi holly" sylvia said as she burst through the door "no time"

holly shreiked as she bounded in to the living room sylvia followed in to see what was going on. lucky looked at holly confused "guys fluttershy has been acting really strange" holly spluttered out the other two looked at her confused

"just come see for your self" the two followed on flying out of lc's house. as they reached fluttershys cottage all three of them renched at a revolting smell coming from inside.

lc knoked on the door the door creaked open a tiny bit and flutter shy looked round the door "hi" she said in her soft voice "can we come in" sylvia asked

"ummmm..... sorry but no my house is a mess" she said quickly and then slammed the door "see thats exactally what she did to me but instead she said angels got a cold and its very catchy" holly said breathlessly all three of them went back to holly's castle "your right holly she is acting weird" sylvia said

"she looked like she was hiding something but what" lc said

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