chapter forty one.

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SOFT STUBBLE GRAZED across Birdie's cheek, awakening her from her peaceful slumber. She softly smiled to herself, humming as gentle kisses were peppered on her cheek, slowly trailing down to her jaw. "I know you don't want to, but we gotta get up," Sam whispered.

Birdie's eyes slowly fluttered open, blinking a few times. Her brows furrowed together, realizing she was in an unfamiliar room. There was a warmth against her back and she gasped, feeling Sam place a kiss on her temple. She swung her legs over the bed, hastily getting to her feet. Her wide eyes stared at Sam, noticing the confused and surprised expression on his features as he laid in the queen sized bed.

He wore a navy colored shirt with the Stanford logo printed on the front, the plush blanket pushed down towards his waist where Birdie could see some plaid pajama bottoms, or maybe they were boxers; she wasn't exactly sure. His hair was a little messy, most likely having only woken up a few minutes ago based on the sleepiness still lingering on his face. Birdie glanced down at her own outfit, her expression becoming more stunned when she saw she was wearing one of Sam's shirts and a pair of underwear━━━which were thankfully covered by the shirt.

"What-what are you doing?" Birdie asked, looking at him with an incredulous look. "And-and-and what the hell happened to our room?"

Sam breathed out a laugh, tilting his head at her. "Are you still drunk?" he asked, some amusement laced within his voice.

"No, I'm-I'm not drunk, Sam," Birdie said, firmly shaking her head. "Where-where are we?"

Sam's smile faltered and he sat up on the bed. He scooted towards the edge, pushing the blanket off of him as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. "Our apartment," he answered like it was obvious. "Where else would we be, Bird?"

Birdie shook her head, glancing around the bedroom. Almost the entire wall behind their bed was made into what Birdie would've described as a bookshelf. Shelves lined the wall, books of all genres filling the spaces. On the other wall was a modern desk and a computer, a lamp in the corner near a framed photo of Sam and Birdie━━━was that a prom picture? In the opposite corner was a guitar, a keyboard, and a large art easel with a blank canvas ready to showcase a masterpiece. Painting and drawings were stuck to a board above the easel, a few fallen on the floor or balled up in the trash can by the desk. A flat screen TV hung across from the bed, a dresser that matched the desk underneath it with some folded up clothes on top. A Playstation was in the middle with two controllers and headsets leaning against it. Some more photos were also on the dresser━━━one of Birdie and Sam and Dean in front of the Impala, but they were no older than 4, 5, and 9 with Reese and John grinning in the background.

There were two doors behind Birdie, just barely able to make out some hanging clothes in the one closest to the door that led into a hall. The other gave her a view of a spacious bathroom.

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