3. The Beginning.

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IT was a Sunday, a whole day had gone by since the essentially, one sided argument between the two teenagers; but Trixie chose to remove it from her head, she didn't need anyone, if anything she would get through school easier without making connections with people. 

Bella however had not, despite feeling irritated towards the mute girl, she knew that pushing someone she had met five minutes ago about something so personal wasn't a good idea. 

Seeing the petite fawny haired girl from her bedroom window, Bella quickly headed down the stairs and out the front door.

"Trixie! Wait a second." Bella pleaded, she had to make this right. 

Trixie, upon hearing her name, stopped dead, but she did not give Bella the satisfaction of turning to face her. Soon Bella was in front of her, Trixie was sure that if she wasn't holding a box in-between them, that Trixie and Bella would be nose to nose, with that thought, Trixie shuffled back slightly. 

"I'm just gonna say my piece, walk away, and you can give me your answer on Monday, yes being you come to school with me." Bella rushed. 

"Okay, so, I know that the other day I was out of line for pushing you, it won't happen again, I'm just nervous for tomorrow and meeting new people isn't really my thing, so, I'm sorry, and if you'll have me, I'd really like being your friend." With a sigh and a brief nod, Bella awkwardly shuffled away and back into the house she shared with her father. 

With a shake of her own head, Trixie headed into her own house. The moving company had managed to deliver the rest of Emma and Trixie's things earlier than expected, so here they both were stood in the living room surrounded once again with carboard boxes trying to decipher which box belonged where. 

Some hours had passed by now and Trixie was exhausted, the sun was beginning to set, filling the sky and her room with orange hues.

 Looking out of her window and up at the sky, Trixie sat to admire the sky that was filled with the oranges, yellows and pinks that she so adored. After watching the sun disappear behind the trees, Trixie turned to admire her now complete room; her bed had the perfect view.

 On the wall to her left sat the chest of drawers from before, only now there was a blue soft rug on the floor before it, to the dressers right sat Trixie's guitar stand, the guitar itself left on her bed from when she was playing earlier, the wall opposite the door to her room stood a maple bookshelf and desk. The bookshelf itself had a variety of authors and books of all colours and thickness, some hardback, some paperback. In the empty spaces, Trixie had put her trinkets, souvenirs from her holidays, or like the cat figurine she saw and brought one day on a whim. 

The maple desk held her laptop on its surface, as well as, a small cylindrical container that held all the stationary the girl would need, many black pens, some pencils and a ruler, to the laptops right sat a small pile of notebooks ready to be used and lastly,  a wooden, white painted chair sat tucked underneath the desk. In the once empty corner of her room, sat a white armchair that Trixie would sit and read in, however, Trixie had also positioned the chair so that she could easily see out of the window if she wanted to. 

Upon this chair sat her backpack, the backpack was filled with everything that she would need for her first day of school tomorrow; despite the meeting that Emma had earlier today with the staff at the school about Trixie's situation, Trixie still felt un-nerved by the thought that someone may want to talk with her and bother her until she was forced to break her silence.

Clearing her mind with a brief shake of her head, Trixie headed across the hall to the bathroom, after brushing her teeth and pulling her hair into two french braids, tight enough to look presentable for tomorrow, she waved Emma a goodnight before closing her bedroom door for the night, climbing into bed.

 Trixie got comfortable her bunny clutched in one arm, with her free arm she reached over to her nightstand, pressing play on her playlist and let the comforting and calming music fill the uncomfortable silence and nestled down to sleep.

Unbeknownst to the now sleeping girl, a curious figure stepped into the tree line, looking up at her window. Tilting his head he listened, her heart was steady, but her mind is what intrigued him, seeing horrific things in the young girls mind, he wondered what the girls story was, she had a scent like no other, not like a normal humans, it wasn't pungent, mouth-watering blood that he could smell, it was Lavender, and that only intrigued him more, he wanted to know more about this girl.

 He wanted to know if this was the girl that would love his brother.


*Dun Dun Duunnn, I wonder who this mystery man is. I think we all know really. I know this one is short in comparison to the two other chapters, but I wanted to finalize Trixie getting settled into the new environment, and the books I've read to help me shape the story have waited until Chapter 4 to introduce the resident Vampires, so, we can call this a filler chapter :) Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think in the comments, I'd love to hear your thoughts! - Grey <3*  

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