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(A/N: Welcome to the first chapter. How do u like that picture- lol! I have many so expect to be seeing A LOT during the chapters! I'm not getting into anything, so we're just gonna hop into the story! I rlly hope you enjoy this chapter and many more to go! With that being said, follow my YT(listed in the story) and enjoy LUV U ALL!

Allyssa's POV:

I was stoked today! Today my good friend Eddie invited me and my other friend Atsuki, into a VR stream with the boys! I was gonna stream it on my channel as well! Since I was a faceless youtuber, I put a black mask on, as well as a oversized red sports shirt and black shorts. I then got into the game on VR.

"Ok, so this is Allyssa and Atsuki, they have been my friends for awhile now. " Eddie introduced us.

"Why haven't you told us about them before?" Josh had asked.


"Hey chat! Hey boys! Welcome to my stream! Strang3Add1xt10nz here! I'm here with you know who! And erm why are we in school?" I asked, fully knowing why.

After I said that Narrator came walking out.

"Hello, welcome to my school, get the hell in that classroom." He has said while pointing into a class.

Me, Josh, Mully,and Eddie walked into the class.

"Wait? Where's Juicy? Is he late again!?" Narrator yelled.

"Oh come on dude, it's the 12th time this week!" Josh groaned.

"Aye, fool, how do I get my citizenship?" Eddie asked aggressively.  Narrator bent down and pat his head and responded with:

"Oh Eddie, you won't. " which made everyone laugh.

Juicy walked in.

"Sorry I'm late again, sir, the nice man in the alley and I were playing a game." He said in his baby voice.

Atsuki, who had an old man skin on, slowly stood up in front of the window.

"That's him. " he says waving.

"Yeahh, lil juicy, come back after school, we'll play some more. "Atsuki laughed in an old voice before disappearing again.

We did a lot of other things but soon we all stopped recording.

"Ok you guys! I've got to go! Just know you are my strange addiction, and I will be seeing you later!" I said in a mommy 🌚 type voice.

"Woah, that voice got me trippinnn. " Atsuki said as his VR character fell.

"This was really fun, you guys are funny. " Mully laughed.

"Yeah, we'll be sure to invite you into more videos. " Josh added.

"Can I add them into our group chat?" Eddie asked. The boys said yes, and he did so.

"Well I have to leave now, Atsuki is making food, and I don't want him to burn the house down..... Again. " I said as I glared at his AFK character.

"Nice, we'll talk in the group chat about an irl meet up. " Juicy had responded.

I said my goodbyes, and so did they, and I signed off.

◦•●◉✿ <3𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑘𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑛 <3✿◉●•◦

"I've got good news!And bad news..." Atsuki said while getting off of his phone.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Well, #1 I heard you! And I didn't burn the house down! #2 The house is ready! But the bad news, is that we have to leave on Friday, because our flight won't wait any longer. " He said while handing me a plate of  Mac and cheese.

"Oh that's great! I just... Thought we'd have a bit longer to day our goodbyes.... And that's so soon! It's literally the day after tomorrow." I replied.

"Yeah, I get it... But hey, let's make the most of it? Pack what you can and what we can't fit into a car we'll get multiple cars. " Atsuki said with a dumb face.

I giggled at him. He knew damn well we didn't even have a lot of stuff in this cramped apartment.

The next day we held a goodbye party. And the day after was our time to get into our plane. While we were getting on the plane Atsuki yelled:

"GOODBYE SHITTY ASS ENGLAND AND HELLO FLORIDA- I'm kidding, y'know I love you england. " he shouted then whispered. People stared at us, but he didn't seem to care.

Once our flight landed we breathed in that Florida air. It was magical, and I was glad we were here. I then got a discord notifications.

The Boys 😍

DaddyTacoBell: Ayeeee muchachos! Suki, just told me that him and Lyss landed. I'm going to pick them up, anyone want to come?

LilJuicy: Can I?

DubDaddy: Hm? Me and Mully ain't even in Florida rn- our flight doesn't land til like 6pm.

R*tard: Yeah, we'll be there soon tho.

DeepDaddyvoice: aight, I think I'll stay home tho.

Lyssss♡: Yeah we're in the airport rn we'll wait.

Suki😉: Yuhhhhh we'll wait but you better hurry ur ass uppppp!!

DaddyTacoBell: okkk okkk, pendejo, I'll be there, see you guys there, Juicy I'm outside ur house.

LilJuicy: how the hell did you get here so quick.

DaddyTacoBell: magic. HURRY me and Gabby are getting impatient.

LilJuicy: OKKK

I laughed at their crazy shenanigans. Eddie has always been like that. And from what I've seen Juicy is the same. Still, it made me laugh.

Me and Atsuki waited for awhile. I checked my phone occasionally I looked up from my phone to see a certain Mexican running my way.

"EDDIE!!" I say as him and Gabby ran towards me and Atsuki.

They put me into their tight embrace as Atsuki scooched is way into the hug. Followed behind the two, was who I assumed was Geage.

"Hello, nice to finally meet you Geage!" I smile as the two let go of me.

"Nice to meet you too, Lyss. " he said while trying to put his hand out for a handshake. I didn't take it, "sor-" before he could finish I gave him a side hug.

"Handshakes are awkward." I said as he hugged back. He chuckled to himself before we all let go.

"Aye, pendejo why is your face red? Are you tryna hit on my little sister? " Eddie smirked. He called me his little sister that's always been our relationship together.

"Gosh it's been so long, I'm glad I could see you again Lyss, you too Suki." Gabby said while squeezing my hands.

"Glad I'm here!" I say while squeezing back.

Me and Atsuki got our luggage and was driven to Juicy's house to stay the night. Let it be known that I mustn't discuss what happened that night. That's for the patreon 😉.

End<3 of this chapter!!!

(A/N: HOPE U ENJOYED! LET'S NOT TALK ABOUT THE FACT THAT I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED THE OTHER ONE! SOOOOOOO YEAAHHH! hope you enjoyed this! I love you all so very much!! Goodbye :) )

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