part 7

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Mary's P.O.V
at school I told my BFF about my feelings, how I am missing my uncle and father(they're both died). she hugged and petted me. I relaxed and we (she) forgot about this... today I was so sad and I was smiling so fakely. I was same at dance too . then alex came and asked me: ( A-alex M-me)
A - what's wrong with you?
M-uhm! ! ! nothing...
A-your friend told me that you're so sad. and she asked me if there's some problem at dance... okay... just tell me already!
M-who told you this? it's really nothing... before we started dance. he took my glasses and made a funny face. I laughed and took back my glasses. when we started dance called "qartuli" he was dancing so fast that I couldn't follow him. "hey!!! get slow! I can't reach you!" he just smiled and he slowed on... "feww" I said tirely. "I can't feel my legs!!!" "hmph" he laughed and when teacher turned around, he put his hand around my neck. "hey! what are ya doin'" I said loudly. he repeated it again. I was looked angry but inside I was so happy, because i had a dream about this moment ( but in my dream this happened in stadium). today I told my BFF that I wanted some signals from alex and my wish came true... he was worring about me. then he was trying to smile me... when we started dance called " mtiuluri" girls and boys was dancing at circle alone... when my line was ready. he asked me again. "What's wrong mary?" "I said it's nothing " I said angrily. "nope. you are lying. I willn't let you to get out so easily." he said and pulled me back. "hey!it's my turn now" I said and I join my line quickly. and ehen we danced a "osuri" his hand was so warm (this dance was about a couple who were touching each other with arms but I felt his hand with mine... he was petting my hand softly. my heart was racing so fast. I thought I'll have I heart attack ) at last I finally got a happy look. and we went at our homes.

in love with dance friendWhere stories live. Discover now