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“Harry, Harry, wake up!!!” Louis said, trying to get Harry to get his ass up or he be late to work.

Harry could barely open his eyes from the headache he had from getting drunk last night. He had been partying all night with Liam and Niall. They had finished work early and decided to go out for a few beers. But it was never just a few beers with Liam. Once he started, he didn't stop and dragged everyone with him. Harry went with it because he really needed him after the fight he had with Zayn.

“Leave me alone!!” Harry screamed while throwing a pillow to Louis head.

“Heyy, watch it you little shit, you're going to be late for work!”

“I don't want to go.”

“Get up mate. It's going to be the fifth time you ditch work this month. They will fire you.”

“I don't care.”

“Well, I do. I'm not having you over when you get evicted for not paying rent. Get up!”

Harry and Louis have been friends since childhood and have been living together since they graduated. Up to some weeks back when Louis moved out. They are best friend and have each others back always. Yes, Louis can be a dick sometimes but so can Harry. They work good in that way.

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“Zayn have you been eating? You look awful! I'm worried about you.”

“I'm fine Niall. I'm the one that should be taking care of you not the other way around!"

“Why? Just because you're older?”

“Yes, that's exactly why.”

“Oh, come on. Your just one year older than me. That does not make you, my dad. Seriously I'm worried you're getting thinner by the minute.”

At that Zayn just rolled his eyes.

“Work, man.”

“I'm going, I'm going”

“Still not talking to Haz?”

“It's to early for this. He lied to me Ni. I need to...” Niall cut him off.

“Look he is really beaten up about this. He misses you!”

Niall and Zayn met at Uni and have been friends ever since. Niall is Irish and came down to London to study. On his first year there he met Zayn who adopted him like his little brother. They shared some classes together and hit it off immediately. Not much later they y decided to move in together so they can save some money looking forward into their careers.

Niall met Liam, Harry and Nick at work. They all work at Earnest, this huge B2B marketing agency based in London and New York, and became great friends. One day they decided to go out and introduce their respective friends. Thats how Louis met the guys and how Harry and Zayn met each other.

They have become a great group of friends. Would go out get drunk, dance, have fun and get laid. Liam, Niall and louis are into women, Zayn and Harry are bi and Nick is gay. Nick has a thing for Harry but is to coward to tell him.

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One night they were really drunk and Nick made a pass on Harry. Harry was drunk of his ass and had not got laid in what seem like forever so he was more willing than he would be on another occasion. Harry also tends to get affectionate and grope when drunk.

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