sanity snapping

947 39 9

He had expected this.

His chest brused and his lip busted blood dripping down his chin and his arm.

"Your crazy- your fucking- AAAGGH!!!"

He hated the sound of his father's voice.

Unpleasant. Distasteful. Unlike his beutaful angel.

His angel must feel so anxious right now. Perhaps nervous. But that's to be expected. He wanted Izuku to be nervous without him. It means his beloved will stay where he belongs, beside him.

"Crazy..." He mutters looking down as the second best hero. His youthful tormenter. Perhaps he should be thankful. It was this man's who pushed him to the brink even if it hurt him sickened him or nearly killed him. By doing so he definitely is a lost stronger.

"You know... I don't think your wrong. But if I'm crazy... its probily becuse you made me this way." He mutters stomping down onto the man's large chest forcing him to cough up blood.

"You even made mother crazy... even... brother..." He whispers. "You really do deserve this. I'm scared you'll try to make a new child if I let you live. Let's not continue this misery. Im lucky you know. I was saved by an angel." He licked his lips taisting his own blood.

"The drug should be kicked in now. How dose it feel to be pearlized?" His eyes glance down at the beaten man. Ice that was once frozen on the man melting from his fire but shoto flames had burst places on the heros body causing him great pain.

"Can't talk anymore either? That's fine." He lowers sitting on his father's chest. "I hate hearing your voice." He whispers before pulling his arm back and punching the heros face.

It felt good.

His other hand moved and punched. The sound of a nose breaking. Clinching his fists one hand caught fire the other becoming a ice ball. And he let himself go.

Punch after punch blood splattered on him covering his hands. He was silent. Watching with emotionless unfeeling eyes. Not noticing that his father was dead he kept going.

He smashed in his skull and it felt good. It felt right.

Untill he hit the floor. He paused actually looking at the mess he made now. Ah. It's all over him.

And he couldn't help but smile. "I'm going to need to shower now... my angel won't like me bloody like this. It makes him nervous." He told the lifeless body in a whisper. "And I already spent enough time coxing him."

He knew so well. He knew he has manipulated izuku. He had played with his beloved emotions to get closer. Made empty promises to give him more time to get izuku to fall in love with him. Even if it's a twisted love.

Of course he still desires his angels happiness. He won't ever truly force his beloved. But he can certainly coax, persuade, or convince.

He didn't care how wrong his actions are. As long as he could have izuku.

The world and the people in it can have everything else. But izuku is his.

His. And he belongs to izuku.


He should get out of here. Wash up. Tell the villans the jobs done so he can go to his beloved.

Killing his father caused him to feel a bit diffrent. The twist if blood in his mouth made him wish it was izukus blood. He should put another love bite on his angel.

As he left his fire moved. Starting to burn the house.

He wanted it to burn.

He had hoped to go to the headquarters, bathe, and tell the villans he's done so he could go to his beloved.

What he didn't expect was to come out to see the villans watching the news.

How annoying. It seems part of his fight aginst his father was on the news. Even the words he had spoken. Though it seems they cut out the breaking his father with his fists.

It actually made since his father had cameras throughout the house. Explains how he always knew everything.

But this was a mistep on his part.

More so as the villans advise him to stay away from izuku so this could settle. Becuse now more then ever the heros are more actively searching for him. And he's now considered a dangrous threat.

He told his beloved two weeks at most.

It seems he lied again.

One week. He got the job done.

Two weeks. All he could do was stare at cameras to see his beloved.

Three weeks. His beloved is hurt. Scared. And he was getting angry.

Four weeks. His mind feels unclear. All he could think was of izuku.

Five weeks. Izuku. Izuku. Izuku. Izuku.

Five and a half weeks. His mind felt clear again.

He should go see his beloved now.

Izuku, my Angel, Ill protect you~Where stories live. Discover now