4. Golden.

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** This Chapter is dedicated to a friend of mine who helped me build the character Dahlia Winters! - I write long chapters I know, I'm including time skips now though :) -- Grey Xx ** 

SHE had been here close to three hours and she already wanted to leave, at least that was before she had met the Cullens.

In the morning she had awoken early to watch the sunrise, after admiring the sun and greeting it silently, the adolescent had gotten ready for her first day. Her french braids had held up well during the night despite her tossing and turning, she had had another nightmare during the night and had awoken in the early hours. 

Having done her morning routine, Trixie applied a small amount of lip balm onto her full lips before slipping the product into the small front pocket of her light blue, ripped denim jeans. Having picked out a nice but casual top, Trixie had slipped on her suede black jacket, something light but it was enough to protect her from the slight morning chill; lacing up her off-white converse, she poked her head into Emma's bedroom where the woman was sat at her vanity curling her hair, seeing her niece in the reflection of her mirror, Emma wished Trixie a good day and to message her if she needed anything. 

The fawn haired girl grabbed an apple on her way out, hoisting the straps of her backpack onto her shoulders, the young girl began her walk along the pavement in the direction of school. 

At first, the walk through the carpark was bearable, not many people were there seeing as it was so early. 

After visiting the office, Trixie had walked about the school, learning where all her classrooms were, at least the ones before lunch; she had visited the P.E block, got her uniform and was now on her way to her locker to put the uniform away until she needed to retrieve it for fourth period. 

The hallways and carpark had started to fill up now as it was getting closer to the official beginning of the school day, the petite female scurried to her homeroom and claimed a lonely seat at the back by the window. 

It was like this throughout the day, the same routine, Trixie would arrive as early as possible to her classes, claim a seat near the back and await for the teacher to arrive and then introduce her to the rest of her class mates, keeping her head down, her soft natural curls would fall in front of her face, shielding her from prying eyes. 

Third period was English Literature, her favourite subject, Trixie stuck to what she had done for the past two hours, found a seat at the back and kept her head down. The teachers introduction barely registered in her mind as Trixie's mind became captivated by something, or rather, someone else. 

Trixie was never one to pry and stare but she couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the people in front of her. They were pale, paler than Trixie, but she didn't think much of it, they were in Forks, this place barely, if ever, saw the sun. The one was taller than her companion, both looking similar yet so different, the taller of the two had blonde locks of hair which was styled perfectly and sat effortlessly on her shoulders, the beauty mark above her top lip added even more beauty to this woman's face. Despite the slim build, the blonde gave off a strong aura, something Trixie respected deeply; her clothes fitted her well, showing off the curves that the girl possessed. 

Trixie's eyes shifted to the blonde's companion. She was petite like Trixie, but something told Trixie that somehow, despite her own small stature, that she somehow was slightly bigger than this pixie-like female in front of her.

Unlike the blonde, the pixie had deep brown, almost black, hair that was styled into a short bob-like style. Similar to the blonde, the brunette girl wore clothes that showed off her figure but in a subtle and modest sort of way. Trixie noticed that the girl wore a dainty chocker on her neck, it was a lilac colour with a silver pendant on it, now that she saw it she noticed a similar thing hanging on the blondes neck, Trixie assumed it to be something family related, seeing how these girls were way too similar to not be somehow related. 

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